common = require("../common"); assert = common.assert; // test using assert var qs = require("querystring"); // folding block. { // [ wonkyQS, canonicalQS, obj ] var qsTestCases = [ ["foo=918854443121279438895193", "foo=918854443121279438895193", {"foo": "918854443121279438895193"}], ["foo=bar", "foo=bar", {"foo" : "bar"}], ["foo=bar&foo=quux", "foo=bar&foo=quux", {"foo" : ["bar", "quux"]}], ["foo=1&bar=2", "foo=1&bar=2", {"foo" : "1", "bar" : "2"}], ["my+weird+field=q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F", "my%20weird%20field=q1!2%22'w%245%267%2Fz8)%3F", {"my weird field" : "q1!2\"'w$5&7/z8)?" }], ["foo%3Dbaz=bar", "foo%3Dbaz=bar", {"foo=baz" : "bar"}], ["foo=baz=bar", "foo=baz%3Dbar", {"foo" : "baz=bar"}], [ "str=foo&arr=1&arr=2&arr=3&somenull=&undef=", "str=foo&arr=1&arr=2&arr=3&somenull=&undef=", { "str":"foo", "arr":["1","2","3"], "somenull":"", "undef":"" }], [" foo = bar ", "%20foo%20=%20bar%20", {" foo ":" bar "}], ["foo=%zx", "foo=%25zx", {"foo":"%zx"}], ["foo=%EF%BF%BD", "foo=%EF%BF%BD", {"foo" : "\ufffd" }] ]; // [ wonkyQS, canonicalQS, obj ] var qsColonTestCases = [ ["foo:bar", "foo:bar", {"foo":"bar"}], ["foo:bar;foo:quux", "foo:bar;foo:quux", {"foo" : ["bar", "quux"]}], ["foo:1&bar:2;baz:quux", "foo:1%26bar%3A2;baz:quux", {"foo":"1&bar:2", "baz":"quux"}], ["foo%3Abaz:bar", "foo%3Abaz:bar", {"foo:baz":"bar"}], ["foo:baz:bar", "foo:baz%3Abar", {"foo":"baz:bar"}] ]; // [ wonkyObj, qs, canonicalObj ] var extendedFunction = function () {}; extendedFunction.prototype = {a:"b"}; var qsWeirdObjects = [ [ {regexp:/./g}, "regexp=", {"regexp":""} ], [ {regexp: new RegExp(".", "g")}, "regexp=", {"regexp":""} ], [ {fn:function () {}}, "fn=", {"fn":""}], [ {fn:new Function("")}, "fn=", {"fn":""} ], [ {math:Math}, "math=", {"math":""} ], [ {e:extendedFunction}, "e=", {"e":""} ], [ {d:new Date()}, "d=", {"d":""} ], [ {d:Date}, "d=", {"d":""} ], [ {f:new Boolean(false), t:new Boolean(true)}, "f=&t=", {"f":"", "t":""} ], [ {f:false, t:true}, "f=false&t=true", {"f":"false", "t":"true"} ], [ {n:null}, "n=", {"n":""} ], [ {nan:NaN}, "nan=", {"nan":""} ], [ {inf:Infinity}, "inf=", {"inf":""} ] ]; } var Script = require('javascript').Script; var foreignObject = Script.runInContext('({"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})', Script.createContext()); var qsNoMungeTestCases = [ ["", {}], ["foo=bar&foo=baz", {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}], ["foo=bar&foo=baz", foreignObject], ["blah=burp", {"blah": "burp"}], ["gragh=1&gragh=3&goo=2", {"gragh": ["1", "3"], "goo": "2"}], ["frappucino=muffin&goat%5B%5D=scone&pond=moose", {"frappucino": "muffin", "goat[]": "scone", "pond": "moose"}], ["trololol=yes&lololo=no", {"trololol": "yes", "lololo": "no"}] ]; assert.strictEqual("918854443121279438895193", qs.parse("id=918854443121279438895193").id); // test that the canonical qs is parsed properly. qsTestCases.forEach(function (testCase) { assert.deepEqual(testCase[2], qs.parse(testCase[0])); }); // test that the colon test cases can do the same qsColonTestCases.forEach(function (testCase) { assert.deepEqual(testCase[2], qs.parse(testCase[0], ";", ":")); }); // test the weird objects, that they get parsed properly qsWeirdObjects.forEach(function (testCase) { assert.deepEqual(testCase[2], qs.parse(testCase[1])); }); qsNoMungeTestCases.forEach(function (testCase) { assert.deepEqual(testCase[0], qs.stringify(testCase[1], "&", "=", false)); }); // test the nested qs-in-qs case (function(){ var f = qs.parse("a=b&q=x%3Dy%26y%3Dz"); f.q = qs.parse(f.q); assert.deepEqual(f, { a : "b", q : { x : "y", y : "z" } }); })(); // nested in colon (function(){ var f = qs.parse("a:b;q:x%3Ay%3By%3Az", ";", ":"); f.q = qs.parse(f.q, ";", ":"); assert.deepEqual(f, { a : "b", q : { x : "y", y : "z" } }); })(); // now test stringifying // basic qsTestCases.forEach(function (testCase) { assert.equal(testCase[1], qs.stringify(testCase[2])); }); qsColonTestCases.forEach(function (testCase) { assert.equal(testCase[1], qs.stringify(testCase[2], ";", ":")); }); qsWeirdObjects.forEach(function (testCase) { assert.equal(testCase[1], qs.stringify(testCase[0])); }); // nested var f = qs.stringify({ a : "b", q : qs.stringify({ x : "y", y : "z" }) }); assert.equal(f, "a=b&q=x%3Dy%26y%3Dz"); assert.doesNotThrow(function () { qs.parse(undefined); }); // nested in colon var f = qs.stringify({ a : "b", q : qs.stringify({ x : "y", y : "z" }, ";", ":") }, ";", ":"); assert.equal(f, "a:b;q:x%3Ay%3By%3Az"); assert.deepEqual({}, qs.parse());