// Tab completion sometimes uses a separate REPL instance under the hood. // That REPL instance has its own domain. Make sure domain errors trickle back // up to the main REPL. // // Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/21586 'use strict'; const { Stream } = require('stream'); function noop() {} // A stream to push an array into a REPL function ArrayStream() { this.run = function(data) { data.forEach((line) => { this.emit('data', `${line}\n`); }); }; } Object.setPrototypeOf(ArrayStream.prototype, Stream.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(ArrayStream, Stream); ArrayStream.prototype.readable = true; ArrayStream.prototype.writable = true; ArrayStream.prototype.pause = noop; ArrayStream.prototype.resume = noop; ArrayStream.prototype.write = noop; const repl = require('repl'); const putIn = new ArrayStream(); const testMe = repl.start('', putIn); // Some errors are passed to the domain, but do not callback. testMe._domain.on('error', function(err) { throw err; }); // Nesting of structures causes REPL to use a nested REPL for completion. putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'r = function test (', ' one, two) {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};' ]); // In Node.js 10.11.0, this next line will terminate the repl silently... testMe.complete('inner.o', () => { throw new Error('fhqwhgads'); });