'use strict'; require('../common'); const { generateSEA, skipIfSingleExecutableIsNotSupported, } = require('../common/sea'); skipIfSingleExecutableIsNotSupported(); // This tests the snapshot support in single executable applications. const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir'); const { writeFileSync, existsSync } = require('fs'); const { spawnSyncAndAssert, spawnSyncAndExitWithoutError, } = require('../common/child_process'); const assert = require('assert'); const configFile = tmpdir.resolve('sea-config.json'); const seaPrepBlob = tmpdir.resolve('sea-prep.blob'); const outputFile = tmpdir.resolve(process.platform === 'win32' ? 'sea.exe' : 'sea'); { tmpdir.refresh(); // FIXME(joyeecheung): currently `worker_threads` cannot be loaded during the // snapshot building process because internal/worker.js is accessing isMainThread at // the top level (and there are maybe more code that access these at the top-level), // and have to be loaded in the deserialized snapshot main function. // Change these states to be accessed on-demand. const code = ` const { setDeserializeMainFunction, } = require('v8').startupSnapshot; setDeserializeMainFunction(() => { const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); new Worker("console.log('Hello from Worker')", { eval: true }); }); `; writeFileSync(tmpdir.resolve('snapshot.js'), code, 'utf-8'); writeFileSync(configFile, ` { "main": "snapshot.js", "output": "sea-prep.blob", "useSnapshot": true } `); spawnSyncAndExitWithoutError( process.execPath, ['--experimental-sea-config', 'sea-config.json'], { cwd: tmpdir.path, env: { NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE: 'SEA', ...process.env, }, }); assert(existsSync(seaPrepBlob)); generateSEA(outputFile, process.execPath, seaPrepBlob); spawnSyncAndAssert( outputFile, { env: { NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE: 'SEA', ...process.env, } }, { trim: true, stdout: 'Hello from Worker' } ); }