var test = require("tap").test , fs = require("fs") , path = require("path") , rimraf = require("rimraf") , mkdirp = require("mkdirp") , spawn = require("child_process").spawn , npm = require("../../lib/npm") , npmCli = require.resolve("../../bin/npm-cli.js") , node = process.execPath , pkg = path.resolve(__dirname, "git-cache-permissions") , tmp = path.join(pkg, "tmp") , cache = path.join(pkg, "cache") test("setup", function (t) { rimraf.sync(pkg) mkdirp.sync(pkg) mkdirp.sync(cache) mkdirp.sync(tmp) mkdirp.sync(path.resolve(pkg, 'node_modules')) t.end() }) test("git-cache-permissions: install a git dependency", function (t) { // disable git integration tests on Travis. if (process.env.TRAVIS) return t.end() var command = [ npmCli , "install" , "git://" ] var child = spawn(node, command, { cwd: pkg, env: { npm_config_cache: cache, npm_config_tmp: tmp, npm_config_prefix: pkg, npm_config_global: "false", npm_config_umask: "00", HOME: process.env.HOME, Path: process.env.PATH, PATH: process.env.PATH }, stdio: "inherit" }) child.on("close", function (code) { t.equal(code, 0, "npm install should succeed") // verify permissions on git hooks var repoDir = "git-github-com-nigelzor-npm-4503-a-git-40c5cb24" var hooksPath = path.join(cache, "_git-remotes", repoDir, "hooks") fs.readdir(hooksPath, function (err, files) { if (err) { t.ok(false, "error reading hooks: " + err) t.end() } files.forEach(function (file) { var stats = fs.statSync(path.join(hooksPath, file)) var message = "hook [" + file + "] should have correct permissions" // Possible error conditions and the resulting file modes on hooks // npm.modes.file is used directly -> "100666" // permissions are left untouched -> "100755" // we do not want permissions left untouched because of // t.equal(stats.mode.toString(8), "100777", message) }) t.end() }) }) }) test('cleanup', function(t) { rimraf.sync(pkg) t.end() })