var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var os = require('os'); var util = require('util'); if (os.type() != 'SunOS') { console.error('Skipping because postmortem debugging not available.'); process.exit(0); } /* * Some functions to create a recognizable stack. */ var frames = [ 'stalloogle', 'bagnoogle', 'doogle' ]; var expected; var stalloogle = function (str) { expected = str; os.loadavg(); }; var bagnoogle = function (arg0, arg1) { stalloogle(arg0 + ' is ' + arg1 + ' except that it is read-only'); }; var done = false; var doogle = function () { if (!done) setTimeout(doogle, 10); bagnoogle('The bfs command', '(almost) like ed(1)'); }; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var prefix = '/var/tmp/node'; var corefile = prefix + '.' +; var args = [ corefile ]; if (process.env.MDB_LIBRARY_PATH && process.env.MDB_LIBRARY_PATH != '') args = args.concat([ '-L', process.env.MDB_LIBRARY_PATH ]); /* * We're going to use DTrace to stop us, gcore us, and set us running again * when we call getloadavg() -- with the implicit assumption that our * deepest function is the only caller of os.loadavg(). */ var dtrace = spawn('dtrace', [ '-qwn', 'syscall::getloadavg:entry/pid == ' + + '/{stop(); system("gcore -o ' + prefix + ' %d", pid); system("prun %d", pid); exit(0); }' ]); var output = ''; var unlinkSync = require('fs').unlinkSync; dtrace.stderr.on('data', function (data) { console.log('dtrace: ' + data); }); dtrace.on('exit', function (code) { if (code != 0) { console.error('dtrace exited with code ' + code); process.exit(code); } done = true; /* * We have our core file. Now we need to fire up mdb to analyze it... */ var mdb = spawn('mdb', args, { stdio: 'pipe' }); var mod = util.format('::load %s\n', path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'out', 'Release', '')); mdb.on('exit', function (code) { var retained = '; core retained as ' + corefile; if (code != 0) { console.error('mdb exited with code ' + code + retained); process.exit(code); } var sentinel = ' (as '; var arg1 = ' arg1: '; var lines = output.split('\n'); var matched = 0; var straddr = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (matched == 1 && line.indexOf(arg1) === 0) { straddr = line.substr(arg1.length).split(' ')[0]; } if (line.indexOf(sentinel) == -1 || frames.length === 0) continue; var frame = line.substr(line.indexOf(sentinel) + sentinel.length); var top = frames.shift(); assert.equal(frame.indexOf(top), 0, 'unexpected frame where ' + top + ' was expected' + retained); matched++; } assert.equal(frames.length, 0, 'did not find expected frame ' + frames[0] + retained); assert.notEqual(straddr, undefined, 'did not find arg1 for top frame' + retained); /* * Now we're going to take one more swing at the core file to print out * the argument string that we found. */ output = ''; mdb = spawn('mdb', args, { stdio: 'pipe' }); mdb.on('exit', function (code) { if (code != 0) { console.error('mdb (second) exited with code ' + code + retained); process.exit(code); } assert.notEqual(output.indexOf(expected), -1, 'did not find arg1 (' + straddr + ') to contain expected string' + retained); unlinkSync(corefile); process.exit(0); }); mdb.stdout.on('data', function (data) { output += data; }); mdb.stderr.on('data', function (data) { console.log('mdb (second) stderr: ' + data); }); mdb.stdin.write(mod); mdb.stdin.write(straddr + '::v8str\n'); mdb.stdin.end(); }); mdb.stdout.on('data', function (data) { output += data; }); mdb.stderr.on('data', function (data) { console.log('mdb stderr: ' + data); }); mdb.stdin.write(mod); mdb.stdin.write('::jsstack -v\n'); mdb.stdin.end(); }); setTimeout(doogle, 10);