var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var util = require('util'); var stream = require('stream'); var passed = false; function PassThrough () {; }; util.inherits(PassThrough, stream.Transform); PassThrough.prototype._transform = function (chunk, encoding, done) { this.push(chunk); done(); }; function TestStream () {; }; util.inherits(TestStream, stream.Transform); TestStream.prototype._transform = function (chunk, encoding, done) { if (!passed) { // Char 'a' only exists in the last write passed = chunk.toString().indexOf('a') >= 0; } done(); }; var s1 = new PassThrough(); var s2 = new PassThrough(); var s3 = new TestStream(); s1.pipe(s3); // Don't let s2 auto close which may close s3 s2.pipe(s3, {end: false}); // We must write a buffer larger than highWaterMark var big = new Buffer(s1._writableState.highWaterMark + 1); big.fill('x'); // Since big is larger than highWaterMark, it will be buffered internally. assert(!s1.write(big)); // 'tiny' is small enough to pass through internal buffer. assert(s2.write('tiny')); // Write some small data in next IO loop, which will never be written to s3 // Because 'drain' event is not emitted from s1 and s1 is still paused setImmediate(s1.write.bind(s1), 'later'); // Assert after two IO loops when all operations have been done. process.on('exit', function () { assert(passed, 'Large buffer is not handled properly by Writable Stream'); });