'use strict'; const common = require('../../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); // The async_hook that we enable would register the process.emitWarning() // call from loading the N-API addon as asynchronous activity because // it contains a process.nextTick() call. Monkey patch it to be a no-op // before we load the addon in order to avoid this. process.emitWarning = () => {}; const { runInCallbackScope } = require(`./build/${common.buildType}/binding`); const expectedResource = {}; const expectedResourceType = 'test-resource'; let insideHook = false; let expectedId; async_hooks.createHook({ init: common.mustCall((id, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) => { if (type !== expectedResourceType) { return; } assert.strictEqual(resource, expectedResource); expectedId = id; }), before: common.mustCall((id) => { assert.strictEqual(id, expectedId); insideHook = true; }), after: common.mustCall((id) => { assert.strictEqual(id, expectedId); insideHook = false; }) }).enable(); runInCallbackScope(expectedResource, expectedResourceType, () => { assert(insideHook); });