module.exports = adduser var uuid = require("node-uuid") , crypto try { } catch (ex) {} function sha (s) { return crypto.createHash("sha1").update(s).digest("hex") } function adduser (username, password, email, cb) { if (!crypto) crypto = require("crypto") password = ("" + (password || "")).trim() if (!password) return cb(new Error("No password supplied.")) email = ("" + (email || "")).trim() if (!email) return cb(new Error("No email address supplied.")) if (!email.match(/^[^@]+@[^\.]+\.[^\.]+/)) { return cb(new Error("Please use a real email address.")) } if (password.indexOf(":") !== -1) return cb(new Error( "Sorry, ':' chars are not allowed in passwords.\n"+ "See for why.")) var salt = uuid() , userobj = { name : username , salt : salt , password_sha : sha(password + salt) , email : email , _id : 'org.couchdb.user:'+username , type : "user" , roles : [] , date: new Date().toISOString() } // pluck off any other username/password/token. it needs to be the // same as the user we're becoming now. replace them on error. var pre = { username: this.username , password: this.password , auth: this.auth , token: this.token } this.token = null if (this.couchLogin) { this.couchLogin.token = null } this.username = null this.password = null this.auth = null cb =, cb, pre) var logObj = Object.keys(userobj).map(function (k) { if (k === 'salt' || k === 'password_sha') return [k, 'XXXXX'] return [k, userobj[k]] }).reduce(function (s, kv) { s[kv[0]] = kv[1] return s }, {}) this.log.verbose("adduser", "before first PUT", logObj) this.request('PUT' , '/-/user/org.couchdb.user:'+encodeURIComponent(username) , userobj , function (error, data, json, response) { // if it worked, then we just created a new user, and all is well. // but if we're updating a current record, then it'll 409 first if (error && !this.auth) { // must be trying to re-auth on a new machine. // use this info as auth var b = new Buffer(username + ":" + password) this.auth = b.toString("base64") this.username = username this.password = password } if (!error || !response || response.statusCode !== 409) { return cb(error, data, json, response) } this.log.verbose("adduser", "update existing user") return this.request('GET' , '/-/user/org.couchdb.user:'+encodeURIComponent(username) , function (er, data, json, response) { if (er || data.error) { return cb(er, data, json, response) } Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k) { if (!userobj[k]) { userobj[k] = data[k] } }) this.log.verbose("adduser", "userobj", logObj) this.request('PUT' , '/-/user/org.couchdb.user:'+encodeURIComponent(username) + "/-rev/" + userobj._rev , userobj , cb ) }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)) } function done (cb, pre) { return function (error, data, json, response) { if (!error && (!response || response.statusCode === 201)) { return cb(error, data, json, response) } // there was some kind of error, re-instate previous auth/token/etc. this.token = pre.token if (this.couchLogin) { this.couchLogin.token = this.token if (this.couchLogin.tokenSet) { this.couchLogin.tokenSet(pre.token) } } this.username = pre.username this.password = pre.password this.auth = pre.auth this.log.verbose("adduser", "back", [error, data, json]) if (!error) { error = new Error( (response && response.statusCode || "") + " "+ "Could not create user\n"+JSON.stringify(data)) } if (response && (response.statusCode === 401 || response.statusCode === 403)) { this.log.warn("adduser", "Incorrect username or password\n" +"You can reset your account by visiting:\n" +"\n" +"\n") } return cb(error) }.bind(this) }