var net = require('net'); var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var timeoutCount = 0; var server = net.createServer(function(stream){ stream.setTimeout(100); stream.on('timeout', function () { console.log("timeout"); // try to reset the timeout. stream.write("WHAT."); // don't worry, the socket didn't *really* time out, we're just thinking // it did. timeoutCount += 1; }); stream.on('end', function () { console.log("server side end"); stream.end(); }); }); server.listen(common.PORT, function() { var c = net.createConnection(common.PORT); c.on('data', function () { c.end(); }); c.on('end', function () { console.log("client side end"); server.close(); }); }); process.on('exit', function () { assert.equal(1, timeoutCount); });