module.exports = exports = build /** * Module dependencies. */ var fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , glob = require('glob') , which = require('which') , asyncEmit = require('./util/asyncEmit') , createHook = require('./util/hook') , win = process.platform == 'win32' exports.usage = 'Invokes `' + (win ? 'msbuild' : 'make') + '` and builds the module' function build (gyp, argv, callback) { gyp.verbose('build args', argv) var command = win ? 'msbuild' : 'make' , buildDir = path.resolve('build') , configPath = path.resolve(buildDir, 'config.gypi') , config , emitter createHook('gyp-build.js', function (err, _e) { if (err) return callback(err) emitter = _e loadConfigGypi() }) /** * Load the "config.gypi" file that was generated during "configure". */ function loadConfigGypi () { fs.readFile(configPath, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err) { if (err.code == 'ENOENT') { callback(new Error('You must run `node-gyp configure` first!')) } else { callback(err) } return } config = JSON.parse(data.replace(/\#.+\n/, '')) if (win) { findSolutionFile() } else { doWhich() } }) } /** * On Windows, find first build/*.sln file. */ function findSolutionFile () { glob('build/*.sln', function (err, files) { if (err) return callback(err) if (files.length === 0) { return callback(new Error('Could not find *.sln file. Did you run "configure"?')) } guessedSolution = files[0] gyp.verbose('found first Solution file', guessedSolution) doWhich() }) } function doWhich () { // First make sure we have the build command in the PATH which(command, function (err, execPath) { if (err) { if (win && /not found/.test(err.message)) { // On windows and no 'msbuild' found. Let's guess where it is guessMsbuild() } else { // Some other error or 'make' not found on Unix, report that to the user callback(err) } return } gyp.verbose('`which` succeeded for `' + command + '`', execPath) build() }) } /** * Guess the location of the "msbuild.exe" file on Windows. */ function guessMsbuild () { gyp.verbose('could not find "msbuild.exe". guessing location') // This is basically just hard-coded. If this causes problems // then we'll think of something more clever. var windir = process.env.WINDIR || process.env.SYSTEMROOT || 'C:\\WINDOWS' , frameworkDir = path.resolve(windir, 'Microsoft.NET', 'Framework') , versionDir = path.resolve(frameworkDir, 'v4.0.30319') // This is probably the most brittle part... , msbuild = path.resolve(versionDir, 'msbuild.exe') fs.stat(msbuild, function (err, stat) { if (err) { if (err.code == 'ENOENT') { callback(new Error('Can\'t find "msbuild.exe". Do you have Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 installed?')) } else { callback(err) } return } command = msbuild build() }) } /** * Actually spawn the process and compile the module. */ function build () { var buildType = config.target_defaults.default_configuration , platform = config.variables.target_arch == 'x64' ? '64' : '32' if (gyp.opts.debug) { buildType = 'Debug' } // Enable Verbose build if (!win && gyp.opts.verbose) { argv.push('V=1') } if (win && !gyp.opts.verbose) { argv.push('/clp:Verbosity=minimal') } // Turn off the Microsoft logo on Windows if (win) { argv.push('/nologo') } // Specify the build type, Release by default if (win) { argv.push('/p:Configuration=' + buildType + ';Platform=Win' + platform) } else { argv.push('BUILDTYPE=' + buildType) // Invoke the Makefile in the 'build' dir. argv.push('-C') argv.push('build') } if (win) { // did the user specify their own .sln file? var hasSln = argv.some(function (arg) { return path.extname(arg) == '.sln' }) if (!hasSln) { argv.unshift(gyp.opts.solution || guessedSolution) } } asyncEmit(emitter, 'before', function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) var proc = gyp.spawn(command, argv) proc.on('exit', onExit) }) } /** * Invoked after the make/msbuild command exits. */ function onExit (code, signal) { asyncEmit(emitter, 'after', function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) if (code !== 0) { return callback(new Error('`' + command + '` failed with exit code: ' + code)) } if (signal) { return callback(new Error('`' + command + '` got signal: ' + signal)) } callback() }) } }