type UncurryThis unknown> = (self: ThisParameterType, ...args: Parameters) => ReturnType; type UncurryThisStaticApply unknown> = (self: ThisParameterType, args: Parameters) => ReturnType; type StaticApply unknown> = (args: Parameters) => ReturnType; type UncurryMethod = O[K] extends (this: infer U, ...args: infer A) => infer R ? (self: unknown extends U ? T : U, ...args: A) => R : never; type UncurryMethodApply = O[K] extends (this: infer U, ...args: infer A) => infer R ? (self: unknown extends U ? T : U, args: A) => R : never; type UncurryGetter = O[K] extends infer V ? (self: T) => V : never; type UncurrySetter = O[K] extends infer V ? (self: T, value: V) => void : never; type TypedArrayContentType = T extends { [k: number]: infer V } ? V : never; /** * Primordials are a way to safely use globals without fear of global mutation * Generally, this means removing `this` parameter usage and instead using * a regular parameter: * * @example * * ```js * 'thing'.startsWith('hello'); * ``` * * becomes * * ```js * primordials.StringPrototypeStartsWith('thing', 'hello') * ``` */ declare namespace primordials { export function uncurryThis unknown>(fn: T): UncurryThis; export function makeSafe(unsafe: NewableFunction, safe: T): T; export import decodeURI = globalThis.decodeURI; export import decodeURIComponent = globalThis.decodeURIComponent; export import encodeURI = globalThis.encodeURI; export import encodeURIComponent = globalThis.encodeURIComponent; export const JSONParse: typeof JSON.parse export const JSONStringify: typeof JSON.stringify export const MathAbs: typeof Math.abs export const MathAcos: typeof Math.acos export const MathAcosh: typeof Math.acosh export const MathAsin: typeof Math.asin export const MathAsinh: typeof Math.asinh export const MathAtan: typeof Math.atan export const MathAtanh: typeof Math.atanh export const MathAtan2: typeof Math.atan2 export const MathCeil: typeof Math.ceil export const MathCbrt: typeof Math.cbrt export const MathExpm1: typeof Math.expm1 export const MathClz32: typeof Math.clz32 export const MathCos: typeof Math.cos export const MathCosh: typeof Math.cosh export const MathExp: typeof Math.exp export const MathFloor: typeof Math.floor export const MathFround: typeof Math.fround export const MathHypot: typeof Math.hypot export const MathImul: typeof Math.imul export const MathLog: typeof Math.log export const MathLog1p: typeof Math.log1p export const MathLog2: typeof Math.log2 export const MathLog10: typeof Math.log10 export const MathMax: typeof Math.max export const MathMaxApply: StaticApply export const MathMin: typeof Math.min export const MathPow: typeof Math.pow export const MathRandom: typeof Math.random export const MathRound: typeof Math.round export const MathSign: typeof Math.sign export const MathSin: typeof Math.sin export const MathSinh: typeof Math.sinh export const MathSqrt: typeof Math.sqrt export const MathTan: typeof Math.tan export const MathTanh: typeof Math.tanh export const MathTrunc: typeof Math.trunc export const MathE: typeof Math.E export const MathLN10: typeof Math.LN10 export const MathLN2: typeof Math.LN2 export const MathLOG10E: typeof Math.LOG10E export const MathLOG2E: typeof Math.LOG2E export const MathPI: typeof Math.PI export const MathSQRT1_2: typeof Math.SQRT1_2 export const MathSQRT2: typeof Math.SQRT2 export const ReflectDefineProperty: typeof Reflect.defineProperty export const ReflectDeleteProperty: typeof Reflect.deleteProperty export const ReflectApply: typeof Reflect.apply export const ReflectConstruct: typeof Reflect.construct export const ReflectGet: typeof Reflect.get export const ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: typeof Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor export const ReflectGetPrototypeOf: typeof Reflect.getPrototypeOf export const ReflectHas: typeof Reflect.has export const ReflectIsExtensible: typeof Reflect.isExtensible export const ReflectOwnKeys: typeof Reflect.ownKeys export const ReflectPreventExtensions: typeof Reflect.preventExtensions export const ReflectSet: typeof Reflect.set export const ReflectSetPrototypeOf: typeof Reflect.setPrototypeOf export import AggregateError = globalThis.AggregateError; export const AggregateErrorPrototype: typeof AggregateError.prototype export import Array = globalThis.Array; export const ArrayPrototype: typeof Array.prototype export const ArrayIsArray: typeof Array.isArray export const ArrayFrom: typeof Array.from export const ArrayOf: typeof Array.of export const ArrayPrototypeConcat: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeCopyWithin: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeFill: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeFind: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeFindIndex: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeLastIndexOf: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypePop: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypePush: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypePushApply: UncurryThisStaticApply export const ArrayPrototypeReverse: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeShift: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeUnshift: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeUnshiftApply: UncurryThisStaticApply export const ArrayPrototypeSlice: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeSort: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeSplice: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeToSorted: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeIncludes: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeIndexOf: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeJoin: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeKeys: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeEntries: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeValues: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeForEach: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeFilter: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeFlat: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeFlatMap: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeMap: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeEvery: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeSome: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeReduce: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeReduceRight: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeToLocaleString: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const ArrayPrototypeSymbolIterator: UncurryMethod; export import ArrayBuffer = globalThis.ArrayBuffer; export const ArrayBufferPrototype: typeof ArrayBuffer.prototype export const ArrayBufferIsView: typeof ArrayBuffer.isView export const ArrayBufferPrototypeGetDetached: UncurryThis export const ArrayBufferPrototypeSlice: UncurryThis export const ArrayBufferPrototypeTransfer: UncurryThis export const ArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLength: UncurryGetter; export const AsyncIteratorPrototype: AsyncIterable; export import BigInt = globalThis.BigInt; export const BigIntPrototype: typeof BigInt.prototype export const BigIntAsUintN: typeof BigInt.asUintN export const BigIntAsIntN: typeof BigInt.asIntN export const BigIntPrototypeToLocaleString: UncurryThis export const BigIntPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const BigIntPrototypeValueOf: UncurryThis export import BigInt64Array = globalThis.BigInt64Array; export const BigInt64ArrayPrototype: typeof BigInt64Array.prototype export const BigInt64ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof BigInt64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import BigUint64Array = globalThis.BigUint64Array; export const BigUint64ArrayPrototype: typeof BigUint64Array.prototype export const BigUint64ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof BigUint64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Boolean = globalThis.Boolean; export const BooleanPrototype: typeof Boolean.prototype export const BooleanPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const BooleanPrototypeValueOf: UncurryThis export import DataView = globalThis.DataView; export const DataViewPrototype: typeof DataView.prototype export const DataViewPrototypeGetInt8: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetInt8: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetUint8: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetUint8: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetInt16: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetInt16: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetUint16: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetUint16: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetInt32: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetInt32: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetUint32: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetUint32: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetFloat32: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetFloat32: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetFloat64: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetFloat64: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetBigInt64: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetBigInt64: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetBigUint64: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeSetBigUint64: UncurryThis export const DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer: UncurryGetter; export const DataViewPrototypeGetByteLength: UncurryGetter; export const DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffset: UncurryGetter; export import Date = globalThis.Date; export const DatePrototype: typeof Date.prototype export const DateNow: typeof Date.now export const DateParse: typeof Date.parse export const DateUTC: typeof Date.UTC export const DatePrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToDateString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToTimeString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToISOString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToUTCString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetDate: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetDate: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetDay: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetFullYear: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetFullYear: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetHours: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetHours: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetMilliseconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetMilliseconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetMinutes: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetMinutes: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetMonth: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetMonth: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetSeconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetSeconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetTime: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetTime: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetTimezoneOffset: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCDate: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetUTCDate: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCDay: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCFullYear: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYear: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCHours: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetUTCHours: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCMilliseconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetUTCMilliseconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCMinutes: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutes: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCMonth: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetUTCMonth: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeGetUTCSeconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSetUTCSeconds: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeValueOf: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToJSON: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToLocaleString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToLocaleDateString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeToLocaleTimeString: UncurryThis export const DatePrototypeSymbolToPrimitive: UncurryMethod; export import Error = globalThis.Error; export const ErrorPrototype: typeof Error.prototype // @ts-ignore export const ErrorCaptureStackTrace: typeof Error.captureStackTrace export const ErrorPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export import EvalError = globalThis.EvalError; export const EvalErrorPrototype: typeof EvalError.prototype export import Float32Array = globalThis.Float32Array; export const Float32ArrayPrototype: typeof Float32Array.prototype export const Float32ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Float64Array = globalThis.Float64Array; export const Float64ArrayPrototype: typeof Float64Array.prototype export const Float64ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Float64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Function = globalThis.Function; export const FunctionLength: typeof Function.length export const FunctionName: typeof Function.name export const FunctionPrototype: typeof Function.prototype export const FunctionPrototypeApply: UncurryThis export const FunctionPrototypeBind: UncurryThis export const FunctionPrototypeCall: UncurryThis export const FunctionPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export import Int16Array = globalThis.Int16Array; export const Int16ArrayPrototype: typeof Int16Array.prototype export const Int16ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Int16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Int32Array = globalThis.Int32Array; export const Int32ArrayPrototype: typeof Int32Array.prototype export const Int32ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Int8Array = globalThis.Int8Array; export const Int8ArrayPrototype: typeof Int8Array.prototype export const Int8ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Int8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Map = globalThis.Map; export const MapPrototype: typeof Map.prototype export const MapPrototypeGet: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeSet: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeHas: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeDelete: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeClear: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeEntries: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeForEach: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeKeys: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeValues: UncurryThis export const MapPrototypeGetSize: UncurryGetter; export import Number = globalThis.Number; export const NumberPrototype: typeof Number.prototype export const NumberIsFinite: typeof Number.isFinite export const NumberIsInteger: typeof Number.isInteger export const NumberIsNaN: typeof Number.isNaN export const NumberIsSafeInteger: typeof Number.isSafeInteger export const NumberParseFloat: typeof Number.parseFloat export const NumberParseInt: typeof Number.parseInt export const NumberMAX_VALUE: typeof Number.MAX_VALUE export const NumberMIN_VALUE: typeof Number.MIN_VALUE export const NumberNaN: typeof Number.NaN export const NumberNEGATIVE_INFINITY: typeof Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY export const NumberPOSITIVE_INFINITY: typeof Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY export const NumberMAX_SAFE_INTEGER: typeof Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER export const NumberMIN_SAFE_INTEGER: typeof Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER export const NumberEPSILON: typeof Number.EPSILON export const NumberPrototypeToExponential: UncurryThis export const NumberPrototypeToFixed: UncurryThis export const NumberPrototypeToPrecision: UncurryThis export const NumberPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const NumberPrototypeValueOf: UncurryThis export const NumberPrototypeToLocaleString: UncurryThis export import Object = globalThis.Object; export const ObjectPrototype: typeof Object.prototype export const ObjectAssign: typeof Object.assign export const ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor export const ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors: typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors export const ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames: typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames export const ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols: typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols export const ObjectIs: typeof Object.is export const ObjectPreventExtensions: typeof Object.preventExtensions export const ObjectSeal: typeof Object.seal export const ObjectCreate: typeof Object.create export const ObjectDefineProperties: typeof Object.defineProperties export const ObjectDefineProperty: typeof Object.defineProperty export const ObjectFreeze: typeof Object.freeze export const ObjectGetPrototypeOf: typeof Object.getPrototypeOf export const ObjectSetPrototypeOf: typeof Object.setPrototypeOf export const ObjectIsExtensible: typeof Object.isExtensible export const ObjectIsFrozen: typeof Object.isFrozen export const ObjectIsSealed: typeof Object.isSealed export const ObjectKeys: typeof Object.keys export const ObjectEntries: typeof Object.entries export const ObjectFromEntries: typeof Object.fromEntries export const ObjectValues: typeof Object.values export const ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty: UncurryThis export const ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf: UncurryThis export const ObjectPrototypePropertyIsEnumerable: UncurryThis export const ObjectPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const ObjectPrototypeValueOf: UncurryThis export const ObjectPrototypeToLocaleString: UncurryThis export import RangeError = globalThis.RangeError; export const RangeErrorPrototype: typeof RangeError.prototype export import ReferenceError = globalThis.ReferenceError; export const ReferenceErrorPrototype: typeof ReferenceError.prototype export import RegExp = globalThis.RegExp; export const RegExpPrototype: typeof RegExp.prototype export const RegExpPrototypeExec: UncurryThis export const RegExpPrototypeCompile: UncurryThis export const RegExpPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const RegExpPrototypeTest: UncurryThis export const RegExpPrototypeGetDotAll: UncurryGetter; export const RegExpPrototypeGetFlags: UncurryGetter; export const RegExpPrototypeGetGlobal: UncurryGetter; export const RegExpPrototypeGetIgnoreCase: UncurryGetter; export const RegExpPrototypeGetMultiline: UncurryGetter; export const RegExpPrototypeGetSource: UncurryGetter; export const RegExpPrototypeGetSticky: UncurryGetter; export const RegExpPrototypeGetUnicode: UncurryGetter; export import Set = globalThis.Set; export const SetLength: typeof Set.length export const SetName: typeof Set.name export const SetPrototype: typeof Set.prototype export const SetPrototypeHas: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeAdd: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeDelete: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeClear: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeEntries: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeForEach: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeValues: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeKeys: UncurryThis export const SetPrototypeGetSize: UncurryGetter; export import String = globalThis.String; export const StringLength: typeof String.length export const StringName: typeof String.name export const StringPrototype: typeof String.prototype export const StringFromCharCode: typeof String.fromCharCode export const StringFromCharCodeApply: StaticApply export const StringFromCodePoint: typeof String.fromCodePoint export const StringFromCodePointApply: StaticApply export const StringRaw: typeof String.raw export const StringPrototypeAnchor: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeBig: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeBlink: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeBold: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeCharAt: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeCharCodeAt: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeCodePointAt: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeConcat: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeEndsWith: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeFontcolor: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeFontsize: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeFixed: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeIncludes: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeIndexOf: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeItalics: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeLastIndexOf: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeLink: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeLocaleCompare: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeMatch: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeMatchAll: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeNormalize: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypePadEnd: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypePadStart: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeRepeat: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeReplace: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSearch: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSlice: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSmall: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSplit: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeStrike: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSub: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSubstr: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSubstring: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeSup: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeStartsWith: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeTrim: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeTrimStart: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeTrimLeft: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeTrimEnd: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeTrimRight: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeToLocaleLowerCase: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeToLocaleUpperCase: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeToLowerCase: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeToUpperCase: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeToWellFormed: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeValueOf: UncurryThis export const StringPrototypeReplaceAll: UncurryThis export import Symbol = globalThis.Symbol; export const SymbolPrototype: typeof Symbol.prototype export const SymbolFor: typeof Symbol.for export const SymbolKeyFor: typeof Symbol.keyFor export const SymbolAsyncIterator: typeof Symbol.asyncIterator export const SymbolHasInstance: typeof Symbol.hasInstance export const SymbolIsConcatSpreadable: typeof Symbol.isConcatSpreadable export const SymbolIterator: typeof Symbol.iterator export const SymbolMatch: typeof Symbol.match export const SymbolMatchAll: typeof Symbol.matchAll export const SymbolReplace: typeof Symbol.replace export const SymbolSearch: typeof Symbol.search export const SymbolSpecies: typeof Symbol.species export const SymbolSplit: typeof Symbol.split export const SymbolToPrimitive: typeof Symbol.toPrimitive export const SymbolToStringTag: typeof Symbol.toStringTag export const SymbolUnscopables: typeof Symbol.unscopables export const SymbolPrototypeToString: UncurryThis export const SymbolPrototypeValueOf: UncurryThis export const SymbolPrototypeSymbolToPrimitive: UncurryMethod; export const SymbolPrototypeGetDescription: UncurryGetter; export import SyntaxError = globalThis.SyntaxError; export const SyntaxErrorPrototype: typeof SyntaxError.prototype export import TypeError = globalThis.TypeError; export const TypeErrorPrototype: typeof TypeError.prototype export function TypedArrayFrom( constructor: new (length: number) => T, source: | Iterable> | ArrayLike>, ): T; export function TypedArrayFrom( constructor: new (length: number) => T, source: Iterable | ArrayLike, mapfn: ( this: THIS_ARG, value: U, index: number, ) => TypedArrayContentType, thisArg?: THIS_ARG, ): T; export function TypedArrayOf( constructor: new (length: number) => T, ...items: readonly TypedArrayContentType[] ): T; export function TypedArrayOfApply( constructor: new (length: number) => T, items: readonly TypedArrayContentType[], ): T; export const TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer: UncurryGetter; export const TypedArrayPrototypeGetByteLength: UncurryGetter; export const TypedArrayPrototypeGetByteOffset: UncurryGetter; export const TypedArrayPrototypeGetLength: UncurryGetter; export function TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(self: unknown): | 'Int8Array' | 'Int16Array' | 'Int32Array' | 'Uint8Array' | 'Uint16Array' | 'Uint32Array' | 'Uint8ClampedArray' | 'BigInt64Array' | 'BigUint64Array' | 'Float32Array' | 'Float64Array' | undefined; export import URIError = globalThis.URIError; export const URIErrorPrototype: typeof URIError.prototype export import Uint16Array = globalThis.Uint16Array; export const Uint16ArrayPrototype: typeof Uint16Array.prototype export const Uint16ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Uint32Array = globalThis.Uint32Array; export const Uint32ArrayPrototype: typeof Uint32Array.prototype export const Uint32ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Uint8Array = globalThis.Uint8Array; export const Uint8ArrayPrototype: typeof Uint8Array.prototype export const Uint8ArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import Uint8ClampedArray = globalThis.Uint8ClampedArray; export const Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype: typeof Uint8ClampedArray.prototype export const Uint8ClampedArrayBYTES_PER_ELEMENT: typeof Uint8ClampedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT export import WeakMap = globalThis.WeakMap; export const WeakMapPrototype: typeof WeakMap.prototype export const WeakMapPrototypeDelete: UncurryThis export const WeakMapPrototypeGet: UncurryThis export const WeakMapPrototypeSet: UncurryThis export const WeakMapPrototypeHas: UncurryThis export import WeakSet = globalThis.WeakSet; export const WeakSetPrototype: typeof WeakSet.prototype export const WeakSetPrototypeDelete: UncurryThis export const WeakSetPrototypeHas: UncurryThis export const WeakSetPrototypeAdd: UncurryThis export import Promise = globalThis.Promise; export const PromisePrototype: typeof Promise.prototype export const PromiseAll: typeof Promise.all export const PromiseRace: typeof Promise.race export const PromiseResolve: typeof Promise.resolve export const PromiseReject: typeof Promise.reject export const PromiseAllSettled: typeof Promise.allSettled export const PromiseAny: typeof Promise.any export const PromisePrototypeThen: UncurryThis export const PromisePrototypeCatch: UncurryThis export const PromisePrototypeFinally: UncurryThis export const PromiseWithResolvers: typeof Promise.withResolvers export import Proxy = globalThis.Proxy import _globalThis = globalThis export { _globalThis as globalThis } }