'use strict'; const common = require('../common.js'); const path = require('path'); const configs = { n: [1e5], concurrent: [1, 10], }; const rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..'); const options = { flags: [ '--permission', `--allow-fs-read=${rootPath}`, '--allow-child-process', '--no-warnings', ], }; const bench = common.createBenchmark(main, configs, options); // This is a naive benchmark and might not demonstrate real-world use cases. // New benchmarks will be created once the permission model config is available // through a config file. async function main(conf) { const benchmarkDir = path.join(__dirname, '../..'); bench.start(); for (let i = 0; i < conf.n; i++) { // Valid file in a sequence of denied files process.permission.has('fs.read', benchmarkDir + '/valid-file'); // Denied file process.permission.has('fs.read', __filename); // Valid file a granted directory process.permission.has('fs.read', '/tmp/example'); } bench.end(conf.n); }