// only remove the thing if it's a symlink into a specific folder. // This is a very common use-case of npm's, but not so common elsewhere. module.exports = gentlyRm var rimraf = require("rimraf") , fs = require("graceful-fs") , npm = require("../npm.js") , path = require("path") function gentlyRm (p, gently, cb) { if (!cb) cb = gently, gently = null // never rm the root, prefix, or bin dirs. // just a safety precaution. p = path.resolve(p) if (p === npm.dir || p === npm.root || p === npm.bin || p === npm.prefix || p === npm.globalDir || p === npm.globalRoot || p === npm.globalBin || p === npm.globalPrefix) { return cb(new Error("May not delete: " + p)) } if (npm.config.get("force") || !gently) { return rimraf(p, cb) } gently = path.resolve(gently) // lstat it, see if it's a symlink. fs.lstat(p, function (er, s) { if (er) return rimraf(p, cb) if (!s.isSymbolicLink()) next(null, path.resolve(p)) realish(p, next) }) function next (er, rp) { if (rp && rp.indexOf(gently) !== 0) { return clobberFail(p, gently, cb) } rimraf(p, cb) } } function realish (p, cb) { fs.readlink(p, function (er, r) { if (er) return cb(er) return cb(null, path.resolve(path.dirname(p), r)) }) } function clobberFail (p, g, cb) { var er = new Error("Refusing to delete: "+p+" not in "+g) er.code = "EEXIST" er.path = p return cb(er) }