import { skip, spawnPromisified } from '../common/index.mjs'; import * as fixtures from '../common/fixtures.mjs'; import { match, strictEqual } from 'node:assert'; import { test } from 'node:test'; if (!process.config.variables.node_use_amaro) skip('Requires Amaro'); test('require a .ts file with explicit extension succeeds', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--eval', 'require("./test-typescript.ts")', '--no-warnings', ], { cwd: fixtures.path('typescript/ts'), }); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); strictEqual(result.stdout, 'Hello, TypeScript!\n'); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('eval require a .ts file with implicit extension fails', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--eval', 'require("./test-typescript")', '--no-warnings', ], { cwd: fixtures.path('typescript/ts'), }); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /Error: Cannot find module/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('eval require a .cts file with implicit extension fails', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--eval', 'require("./test-cts-typescript")', '--no-warnings', ], { cwd: fixtures.path('typescript/ts'), }); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /Error: Cannot find module/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('require a .ts file with implicit extension fails', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-extensionless-require.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /Error: Cannot find module/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect failure of an .mts file with CommonJS syntax', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-cts-but-module-syntax.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package\.json or use the \.mjs extension\./); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute a .cts file importing a .cts file', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-require-commonjs.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a .cts file importing a .ts file export', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-require-ts-file.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a .cts file importing a .mts file export', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-experimental-require-module', fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-require-mts-module.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /Error \[ERR_REQUIRE_ESM\]: require\(\) of ES Module/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute a .cts file importing a .mts file export', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-require-module', fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-require-mts-module.cts'), ]); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('expect failure of a .cts file in node_modules', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-cts-node_modules.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /ERR_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_MODULES_TYPE_STRIPPING/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect failure of a .ts file in node_modules', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-ts-node_modules.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /ERR_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_MODULES_TYPE_STRIPPING/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect failure of a .cts requiring esm without default type module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-experimental-require-module', fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-mts-node_modules.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /ERR_REQUIRE_ESM/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect failure of a .cts file requiring esm in node_modules', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-require-module', fixtures.path('typescript/cts/test-mts-node_modules.cts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /ERR_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_MODULES_TYPE_STRIPPING/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); });