import '../common/index.mjs'; import { rejects } from 'assert'; const fixtureBase = '../fixtures/es-modules/package-cjs-named-error'; const errTemplate = (specifier, name, namedImports) => `Named export '${name}' not found. The requested module` + ` '${specifier}' is a CommonJS module, which may not support ` + 'all module.exports as named exports.\nCommonJS modules can ' + 'always be imported via the default export, for example using:' + `\n\nimport pkg from '${specifier}';\n` + (namedImports ? `const ${namedImports} = pkg;\n` : ''); const expectedWithoutExample = errTemplate('./fail.cjs', 'comeOn'); const expectedRelative = errTemplate('./fail.cjs', 'comeOn', '{ comeOn }'); const expectedRenamed = errTemplate('./fail.cjs', 'comeOn', '{ comeOn: comeOnRenamed }'); const expectedPackageHack = errTemplate('./json-hack/fail.js', 'comeOn', '{ comeOn }'); const expectedBare = errTemplate('deep-fail', 'comeOn', '{ comeOn }'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/single-quote.mjs`); }, { name: 'SyntaxError', message: expectedRelative }, 'should support relative specifiers with single quotes'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/double-quote.mjs`); }, { name: 'SyntaxError', message: expectedRelative }, 'should support relative specifiers with double quotes'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/renamed-import.mjs`); }, { name: 'SyntaxError', message: expectedRenamed }, 'should correctly format named imports with renames'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/multi-line.mjs`); }, { name: 'SyntaxError', message: expectedWithoutExample, }, 'should correctly format named imports across multiple lines'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/json-hack.mjs`); }, { name: 'SyntaxError', message: expectedPackageHack }, 'should respect recursive package.json for module type'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/bare-import-single.mjs`); }, { name: 'SyntaxError', message: expectedBare }, 'should support bare specifiers with single quotes'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/bare-import-double.mjs`); }, { name: 'SyntaxError', message: expectedBare }, 'should support bare specifiers with double quotes'); rejects(async () => { await import(`${fixtureBase}/escaped-single-quote.mjs`); }, /import pkg from '\.\/oh'no\.cjs'/, 'should support relative specifiers with escaped single quote');