var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var childProccess = require('child_process'); var fs = require('fs'); var scriptString = path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'print-chars.js'); var scriptBuffer = path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'print-chars-from-buffer.js'); var tmpFile = path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'stdout.txt'); function test (size, useBuffer, cb) { var cmd = process.argv[0] + ' ' + (useBuffer ? scriptBuffer : scriptString) + ' ' + size + ' > ' + tmpFile ; try { fs.unlinkSync(tmpFile); } catch (e) {} common.print(size + ' chars to ' + tmpFile + '...'); childProccess.exec(cmd, function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log('done!'); var stat = fs.statSync(tmpFile); console.log(tmpFile + ' has ' + stat.size + ' bytes'); assert.equal(size, stat.size); fs.unlinkSync(tmpFile); cb(); }); } var finished = false; test(1024*1024, false, function () { console.log("Done printing with string"); test(1024*1024, true, function () { console.log("Done printing with buffer"); finished = true; }); }); process.addListener('exit', function () { assert.ok(finished); });