mirror of https://github.com/nodejs/node.git
237 lines
6.7 KiB
237 lines
6.7 KiB
// initialize a package.json file
module.exports = init
var read = require("read")
, path = require("path")
, readJson = require("./utils/read-json.js")
, fs = require("graceful-fs")
, promiseChain = require("./utils/promise-chain.js")
, exec = require("./utils/exec.js")
, semver = require("semver")
, log = require("./utils/log.js")
, npm = require("./npm.js")
, output = require("./utils/output.js")
init.usage = "npm init [folder]"
function init (args, cb) {
var folder = args[0] || "."
, ll = npm.config.get("loglevel")
npm.config.set("loglevel", "paused")
if (folder.charAt(0) !== "/") folder = path.join(process.cwd(), folder)
readJson(path.join(folder, "package.json"), function (er, data) {
if (er) data = {}
data.author = data.author ||
{ name: npm.config.get("init.author.name")
, email: npm.config.get("init.author.email")
, url: npm.config.get("init.author.url") }
init_(data, folder, function (er) {
npm.config.set("loglevel", ll)
if (!er) log(path.resolve(folder, "package.json"), "written")
function init_ (data, folder, cb) {
var nv = npm.config.get("node-version")
, p = semver.parse(nv)
, eng = ""
if (!p[5]) eng = "~" + nv
else eng = "~" + [p[1], p[2], p[3]].join(".") + " || " + nv
// node version 0.n is api-compatible with 0.(n+1) when n is odd.
if (p[2] % 2) {
eng += " || " + [p[1], +(p[2]) + 1].join(".")
["This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file."
,"It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sane defaults."
,"See `npm help json` for definitive documentation on these fields"
,"and exactly what they do."
,"Use `npm install <pkg> --save` afterwards to install a package and"
,"save it as a dependency in the package.json file."
,"Press ^C at any time to quit."
( read
, [{prompt: "Package name: ", default: defaultName(folder, data)}]
, function (n) { data.name = n }
( read
, [{prompt: "Description: ", default: data.description}]
, function (d) { data.description = d }
( defaultVersion, [folder, data], function (v) { data.version = v } )
(function (cb) {
read( { prompt: "Package version: ", default: data.version }
, function (er, v) {
if (er) return cb(er)
data.version = v
}, [])
( read
, [ { prompt: "Project homepage: "
, default: data.homepage || data.url || "none" } ]
, function (u) {
if (u === "none") return
data.homepage = u
delete data.url
( defaultRepo, [folder, data], function (r) { data.repository = r } )
(function (cb) {
read( { prompt: "Project git repository: "
, default: data.repository && data.repository.url || "none" }
, function (er, r) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (r !== "none") {
data.repository = (data.repository || {}).url = r
}, [])
( read
, [{ prompt: "Author name: ", default: data.author && data.author.name }]
, function (n) {
if (!n) return
(data.author = data.author || {}).name = n
( read
, [ { prompt: "Author email: "
, default: data.author && data.author.email || "none" } ]
, function (n) {
if (n === "none") return
(data.author = data.author || {}).email = n
( read
, [ { prompt: "Author url: "
, default: data.author && data.author.url || "none" } ]
, function (n) {
if (n === "none") return
(data.author = data.author || {}).url = n
( read
, [ { prompt: "Main module/entry point: ", default: data.main || "none" } ]
, function (m) {
if (m === "none") {
delete data.main
data.main = m
( read
, [ { prompt: "Test command: "
, default: data.scripts && data.scripts.test || "none" } ]
, function (t) {
if (t === "none") return
(data.scripts = data.scripts || {}).test = t
(cleanupPaths, [data, folder])
(function (cb) {
try { data = readJson.processJson(data) }
catch (er) { return cb(er) }
.filter(function (k) { return k.match(/^_/) })
.forEach(function (k) { delete data[k] })
var str = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)
, msg = "About to write to "
+ path.join(folder, "package.json")
+ "\n\n"
+ str
+ "\n\n"
output.write(msg, cb)
(function (cb) {
read({ prompt: "\nIs this ok? ", default: "yes" }, function (er, ok) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (ok.toLowerCase().charAt(0) !== "y") {
return cb(new Error("cancelled"))
return cb()
(function (cb) {
fs.writeFile( path.join(folder, "package.json")
, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) + "\n"
, cb )
// sync - no io
function defaultName (folder, data) {
if (data.name) return data.name
return path.basename(folder)
.replace(/^node[-\._]?|([-\._]node)[-\._]?(js)?$/g, "")
function defaultVersion (folder, data, cb) {
if (data.version) return cb(null, data.version)
exec(npm.config.get("git"), ["describe", "--tags"], process.env, false, folder,
function (er, code, out) {
out = (out || "").trim()
if (semver.valid(out)) return cb(null, out)
out = npm.config.get("init.version")
if (semver.valid(out)) return cb(null, out)
return cb(null, "0.0.0")
function defaultRepo (folder, data, cb) {
if (data.repository) return cb(null, data.repository)
exec( npm.config.get("git"), ["remote", "-v"], process.env, false, folder
, function (er, code, out) {
out = (out || "")
.split("\n").filter(function (line) {
return line.search(/^origin/) !== -1
if (!out) return cb(null, {})
var repo =
{ type: "git"
, url: out.split(/\s/)[1]
.replace("git@github.com:", "git://github.com/")
return cb(null, repo)
function cleanupPaths (data, folder, cb) {
if (data.main) {
data.main = cleanupPath(data.main, folder)
var dirs = data.directories
if (dirs) {
Object.keys(dirs).forEach(function (dir) {
dirs[dir] = cleanupPath(dirs[dir], folder)
function cleanupPath (m, folder) {
if (m.indexOf(folder) === 0) m = path.join(".", m.substr(folder.length))
return m