1 CITGM known flakes
Refael Ackermann edited this page 2017-07-18 16:32:32 -04:00
  1. winston@v2.3.1

    new platforms: rhel72-s390x
    there is one test that is timing sensitive
An instance of winston.Logger with no transports the add() method with a supported transport the startTimer() method when not passed a callback
     ✗ should respond with the appropriate message 
         » expected true, got false // logger-test.js:193
        "when not passed a callback": {
          topic: function (logger) {
            var that = this;
            var timer = logger.startTimer()
            logger.once('logging', that.callback.bind(null, null));
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 500);
          "should respond with the appropriate message": function (err, transport, level, msg, meta) {
            assert.equal(level, 'info');

            assert.isTrue(meta.durationMs >= 50 && meta.durationMs < 100);
  1. serialport@v4.0.7

    new platforms: ubuntu1404-64
    at least two tests can timeout:
   1) SerialPortBinding #list returns an array:
      Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
   2) SerialPort light integration .list:
      Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
    it('returns an array', function(done) {
      SerialPortBinding.list(function(err, data) {
  it('.list', function(done) {