2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
// Increase max listeners for event emitters
require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 100;
const gulp = require('gulp');
const util = require('./lib/util');
const task = require('./lib/task');
2022-08-26 21:02:01 +08:00
const { transpileClientSWC, transpileTask, compileTask, watchTask, compileApiProposalNamesTask, watchApiProposalNamesTask } = require('./lib/compilation');
2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
const { monacoTypecheckTask/* , monacoTypecheckWatchTask */ } = require('./gulpfile.editor');
2021-03-19 10:15:59 +08:00
const { compileExtensionsTask, watchExtensionsTask, compileExtensionMediaTask } = require('./gulpfile.extensions');
2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
2021-12-10 22:05:42 +08:00
// API proposal names
2022-08-26 21:02:01 +08:00
// SWC Client Transpile
2024-10-04 17:23:51 +08:00
const transpileClientSWCTask = task.define('transpile-client-esbuild', task.series(util.rimraf('out'), transpileTask('src', 'out', true)));
2022-08-26 21:02:01 +08:00
2022-06-15 22:52:48 +08:00
// Transpile only
2024-09-27 14:04:23 +08:00
const transpileClientTask = task.define('transpile-client', task.series(util.rimraf('out'), transpileTask('src', 'out')));
2022-06-15 22:52:48 +08:00
2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
// Fast compile for development time
2024-09-27 14:04:23 +08:00
const compileClientTask = task.define('compile-client', task.series(util.rimraf('out'), compileApiProposalNamesTask, compileTask('src', 'out', false)));
2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
2024-09-27 14:04:23 +08:00
const watchClientTask = task.define('watch-client', task.series(util.rimraf('out'), task.parallel(watchTask('out', false), watchApiProposalNamesTask)));
2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
// All
2021-12-10 22:05:42 +08:00
const _compileTask = task.define('compile', task.parallel(monacoTypecheckTask, compileClientTask, compileExtensionsTask, compileExtensionMediaTask));
2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
gulp.task(task.define('watch', task.parallel(/* monacoTypecheckWatchTask, */ watchClientTask, watchExtensionsTask)));
// Default
2021-12-10 22:05:42 +08:00
gulp.task('default', _compileTask);
2020-12-14 21:24:34 +08:00
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason);
// Load all the gulpfiles only if running tasks other than the editor tasks
require('glob').sync('gulpfile.*.js', { cwd: __dirname })
.forEach(f => require(`./${f}`));