2020-10-14 22:01:38 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as es from 'event-stream';
import * as Vinyl from 'vinyl';
import * as vfs from 'vinyl-fs';
import * as filter from 'gulp-filter';
2020-10-26 17:54:24 +08:00
import * as gzip from 'gulp-gzip';
2023-02-16 22:30:46 +08:00
import * as mime from 'mime';
2024-11-06 04:50:01 +08:00
import { ClientAssertionCredential } from '@azure/identity';
2020-10-14 22:01:38 +08:00
const azure = require('gulp-azure-storage');
2023-04-02 15:35:39 +08:00
const commit = process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION'];
2024-11-06 04:50:01 +08:00
const credential = new ClientAssertionCredential(process.env['AZURE_TENANT_ID']!, process.env['AZURE_CLIENT_ID']!, () => Promise.resolve(process.env['AZURE_ID_TOKEN']!));
2020-10-14 22:01:38 +08:00
2023-02-16 22:30:46 +08:00
'application/typescript': ['ts'],
'application/json': ['code-snippets'],
// From default AFD configuration
const MimeTypesToCompress = new Set([
function wait(stream: es.ThroughStream): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((c, e) => {
stream.on('end', () => c());
stream.on('error', (err: any) => e(err));
2022-01-06 01:31:08 +08:00
async function main(): Promise<void> {
const files: string[] = [];
2023-02-16 22:30:46 +08:00
const options = (compressed: boolean) => ({
2022-01-06 01:31:08 +08:00
account: process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT,
container: process.env.VSCODE_QUALITY,
prefix: commit + '/',
contentSettings: {
2023-02-16 22:30:46 +08:00
contentEncoding: compressed ? 'gzip' : undefined,
2022-01-06 01:31:08 +08:00
cacheControl: 'max-age=31536000, public'
2023-02-16 22:30:46 +08:00
const all = vfs.src('**', { cwd: '../vscode-web', base: '../vscode-web', dot: true })
.pipe(filter(f => !f.isDirectory()));
const compressed = all
.pipe(filter(f => MimeTypesToCompress.has(mime.lookup(f.path))))
.pipe(gzip({ append: false }))
const uncompressed = all
.pipe(filter(f => !MimeTypesToCompress.has(mime.lookup(f.path))))
const out = es.merge(compressed, uncompressed)
.pipe(es.through(function (f) {
console.log('Uploaded:', f.relative);
this.emit('data', f);
console.log(`Uploading files to CDN...`); // debug
await wait(out);
const listing = new Vinyl({
path: 'files.txt',
contents: Buffer.from(files.join('\n')),
stat: { mode: 0o666 } as any
2021-11-21 01:01:39 +08:00
2023-02-16 22:30:46 +08:00
const filesOut = es.readArray([listing])
.pipe(gzip({ append: false }))
console.log(`Uploading: files.txt (${files.length} files)`); // debug
await wait(filesOut);
2020-10-14 22:01:38 +08:00
2021-11-21 01:01:39 +08:00
main().catch(err => {