unsure how to register the provider
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export type JSONLanguageStatus = { schemas: string[] };
import {
workspace, window, languages, commands, ExtensionContext, extensions, Uri, ColorInformation,
Diagnostic, StatusBarAlignment, TextEditor, TextDocument, FormattingOptions, CancellationToken, FoldingRange,
ProviderResult, TextEdit, Range, Position, Disposable, CompletionItem, CompletionList, CompletionContext, Hover, MarkdownString, FoldingContext, DocumentSymbol, SymbolInformation, l10n, CodeActionContext, CodeAction, Command,
ProviderResult, TextEdit, Range, Position, Disposable, CompletionItem, CompletionList, CompletionContext, Hover, MarkdownString, FoldingContext, DocumentSymbol, SymbolInformation, l10n, CodeActionContext, CodeAction, Command, CodeActionProvider, Selection, CodeActionKind,
} from 'vscode';
import {
LanguageClientOptions, RequestType, NotificationType, FormattingOptions as LSPFormattingOptions,
@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ export async function startClient(context: ExtensionContext, newLanguageClient:
toDispose.push(commands.registerCommand('json.sort', async () => {
if (isClientReady) {
const textEditor = window.activeTextEditor;
if (textEditor) {
@ -189,6 +190,35 @@ export async function startClient(context: ExtensionContext, newLanguageClient:
class JSONCodeActionProvider implements CodeActionProvider {
provideCodeActions(document: TextDocument, range: Range | Selection, context: CodeActionContext, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<(CodeAction | Command)[]> {
console.log('inside of provide code actions');
const codeActions: CodeAction[] = [];
const sortCodeAction = new CodeAction('Sort JSON', CodeActionKind.Source);
sortCodeAction.command = {
command: 'json.sort',
title: 'Sort JSON'
return codeActions;
languages.registerCodeActionsProvider('*', new JSONCodeActionProvider());
// connection.onCodeAction((_codeActionParams, token) => {
// return runSafe(runtime, () => {
// console.log('Inside of on code action');
// const codeActions: CodeAction[] = [];
// const sortCodeAction = CodeAction.create('Sort JSON', CodeActionKind.Source);
// sortCodeAction.command = {
// command: 'json.sort',
// title: 'Sort JSON'
// };
// return codeActions;
// }, [], `Error while retrieving code actions`, token);
// });
// Options to control the language client
const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
// Register the server for json documents
@ -302,16 +332,16 @@ export async function startClient(context: ExtensionContext, newLanguageClient:
return checkLimit(r);
provideCodeActions(document: TextDocument, range: Range, context: CodeActionContext, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideCodeActionsSignature) {
console.log('inside of provide code actions');
console.log('next : ', next);
const r = next(document, range, context, token);
console.log('r : ', r);
if (isThenable<(Command | CodeAction)[] | null | undefined>(r)) {
return r;
return r;
// provideCodeActions(document: TextDocument, range: Range, context: CodeActionContext, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideCodeActionsSignature) {
// console.log('inside of provide code actions');
// console.log('next : ', next);
// const r = next(document, range, context, token);
// console.log('r : ', r);
// if (isThenable<(Command | CodeAction)[] | null | undefined>(r)) {
// return r;
// }
// return r;
// }
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
import {
TextDocuments, InitializeParams, InitializeResult, NotificationType, RequestType,
DocumentRangeFormattingRequest, Disposable, ServerCapabilities, TextDocumentSyncKind, TextEdit, DocumentFormattingRequest, TextDocumentIdentifier, FormattingOptions, Diagnostic, CodeActionKind
DocumentRangeFormattingRequest, Disposable, ServerCapabilities, TextDocumentSyncKind, TextEdit, DocumentFormattingRequest, TextDocumentIdentifier, FormattingOptions, Diagnostic, CodeAction, CodeActionKind
} from 'vscode-languageserver';
import { runSafe, runSafeAsync } from './utils/runner';
import { DiagnosticsSupport, registerDiagnosticsPullSupport, registerDiagnosticsPushSupport } from './utils/validation';
import { TextDocument, JSONDocument, JSONSchema, getLanguageService, DocumentLanguageSettings, SchemaConfiguration, ClientCapabilities, Range, Position, SortOptions, CodeAction } from 'vscode-json-languageservice';
import { TextDocument, JSONDocument, JSONSchema, getLanguageService, DocumentLanguageSettings, SchemaConfiguration, ClientCapabilities, Range, Position, SortOptions } from 'vscode-json-languageservice';
import { getLanguageModelCache } from './languageModelCache';
import { Utils, URI } from 'vscode-uri';
@ -412,7 +412,6 @@ export function startServer(connection: Connection, runtime: RuntimeEnvironment)
connection.onDocumentSymbol((documentSymbolParams, token) => {
return runSafe(runtime, () => {
console.log('inside of on document symbol');
const document = documents.get(documentSymbolParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
@ -426,6 +425,7 @@ export function startServer(connection: Connection, runtime: RuntimeEnvironment)
}, [], `Error while computing document symbols for ${documentSymbolParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onCodeAction((_codeActionParams, token) => {
return runSafe(runtime, () => {
console.log('Inside of on code action');
@ -439,6 +439,11 @@ export function startServer(connection: Connection, runtime: RuntimeEnvironment)
}, [], `Error while retrieving code actions`, token);
connection.onCodeActionResolve(async (codeAction, token) => {
return codeAction;
function onFormat(textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier, range: Range | undefined, options: FormattingOptions): TextEdit[] {
options.keepLines = keepLinesEnabled;
Reference in New Issue