tests - add wip integration test runner for browser
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
const path = require('path');
const cp = require('child_process');
const playwright = require('playwright');
const url = require('url');
// opts
const optimist = require('optimist')
.describe('debug', 'do not run browsers headless').boolean('debug')
.describe('browser', 'browser in which integration tests should run').string('browser').default('browser', 'chromium')
.describe('help', 'show the help').alias('help', 'h');
// logic
const argv = optimist.argv;
let serverProcess;
function teardownServer() {
if (serverProcess) {
serverProcess = undefined;
* @param {string} browserType
* @param {string} endpoint
async function runTestsInBrowser(browserType, endpoint) {
const browser = await playwright[browserType].launch({ headless: !Boolean(argv.debug) });
const page = (await browser.defaultContext().pages())[0];
const integrationTestsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'extensions', 'vscode-api-tests');
const testWorkspaceUri = url.format({ pathname: path.join(integrationTestsPath, 'testWorkspace'), protocol: 'vscode-remote:', slashes: true, host: 'localhost:9888' });
const testExtensionUri = url.format({ pathname: path.join(integrationTestsPath), protocol: 'vscode-remote:', slashes: true, host: 'localhost:9888' });
const testFilesUri = url.format({ pathname: path.join(integrationTestsPath, 'out', 'singlefolder-tests'), protocol: 'vscode-remote:', slashes: true, host: 'localhost:9888' });
const folderParam = testWorkspaceUri;
const payloadParam = `[["extensionDevelopmentPath","${testExtensionUri}"],["extensionTestsPath","${testFilesUri}"]]`;
await page.goto(`${endpoint}&folder=${folderParam}&payload=${payloadParam}`);
// const emitter = new events.EventEmitter();
// await page.exposeFunction('mocha_report', (type, data1, data2) => {
// emitter.emit(type, data1, data2)
// });
page.on('console', async msg => {
const msgText = msg.text();
console[msg.type()](msgText, await Promise.all(msg.args().map(async arg => await arg.jsonValue())));
if (msgText.indexOf('vscode:exit') >= 0) {
setTimeout(() => process.exit(msgText === 'vscode:exit 0' ? 0 : 1), 10);
async function launch() {
// workspacePath = _workspacePath;
// const agentFolder = userDataDir;
// await promisify(mkdir)(agentFolder);
const env = {
// VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER: agentFolder,
let serverLocation;
if (process.env.VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH) {
serverLocation = path.join(process.env.VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH, `server.${process.platform === 'win32' ? 'cmd' : 'sh'}`);
} else {
serverLocation = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', `resources/server/web.${process.platform === 'win32' ? 'bat' : 'sh'}`);
serverProcess = cp.spawn(
['--browser', 'none', '--driver', 'web'],
{ env }
serverProcess.stderr.on('data', e => console.log('Server stderr: ' + e));
serverProcess.stdout.on('data', e => console.log('Server stdout: ' + e));
process.on('exit', teardownServer);
process.on('SIGINT', teardownServer);
process.on('SIGTERM', teardownServer);
return new Promise(r => {
serverProcess.stdout.on('data', d => {
const matches = d.toString('ascii').match(/Web UI available at (.+)/);
if (matches !== null) {
launch().then(async endpoint => {
return runTestsInBrowser(argv.browser, endpoint);
}, console.error);
Reference in New Issue