diff --git a/build/npm/postinstall.js b/build/npm/postinstall.js
index 1a73f1e0ab9..37af6ff2a41 100644
--- a/build/npm/postinstall.js
+++ b/build/npm/postinstall.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ const extensions = [
+ 'markdown',
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/markdown.configuration.json b/extensions/markdown/markdown.configuration.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bf082d18e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/markdown/markdown.configuration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "comments": {
+ // symbol used for single line comment. Remove this entry if your language does not support line comments
+ "lineComment": "//",
+ // symbols used for start and end a block comment. Remove this entry if your language does not support block comments
+ "blockComment": [
+ "/*",
+ "*/"
+ ]
+ },
+ // symbols used as brackets
+ "brackets": [
+ [
+ "{",
+ "}"
+ ],
+ [
+ "[",
+ "]"
+ ],
+ [
+ "(",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/media/markdown.css b/extensions/markdown/media/markdown.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..218b8c407a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/markdown/media/markdown.css
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+body {
+ font-family: "Segoe WPC", "Segoe UI", "SFUIText-Light", "HelveticaNeue-Light", sans-serif, "Droid Sans Fallback";
+ font-size: 14px;
+ padding-left: 12px;
+ line-height: 22px;
+img {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ max-height: 100%;
+a {
+ color: #4080D0;
+ text-decoration: none;
+textarea:focus {
+ outline: 1px solid -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+ outline-offset: -1px;
+hr {
+ border: 0;
+ height: 2px;
+ border-bottom: 2px solid;
+h1 {
+ padding-bottom: 0.3em;
+ line-height: 1.2;
+ border-bottom-width: 1px;
+ border-bottom-style: solid;
+h1, h2, h3 {
+ font-weight: normal;
+a:hover {
+ color: #4080D0;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+table {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+table > thead > tr > th {
+ text-align: left;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid;
+table > thead > tr > th,
+table > thead > tr > td,
+table > tbody > tr > th,
+table > tbody > tr > td {
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+table > tbody > tr + tr > td {
+ border-top: 1px solid;
+blockquote {
+ margin: 0 7px 0 5px;
+ padding: 0 16px 0 10px;
+ border-left: 5px solid;
+code {
+ font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Droid Sans Mono", "Courier New", monospace, "Droid Sans Fallback";
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.mac code {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+code > div {
+ padding: 16px;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ overflow: auto;
+/** Theming */
+.vs {
+ color: rgb(30, 30, 30);
+.vs-dark {
+ color: #DDD;
+.hc-black {
+ color: white;
+.vs code {
+ color: #A31515;
+.vs-dark code {
+ color: #D7BA7D;
+.vs code > div {
+ background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.4);
+.vs-dark code > div {
+ background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.4);
+.hc-black code > div {
+ background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
+.hc-black h1 {
+ border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
+.vs table > thead > tr > th {
+ border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.69);
+.vs-dark table > thead > tr > th {
+ border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.69);
+.vs h1,
+.vs hr,
+.vs table > tbody > tr + tr > td {
+ border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
+.vs-dark h1,
+.vs-dark hr,
+.vs-dark table > tbody > tr + tr > td {
+ border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.18);
+.vs blockquote,
+.vs-dark blockquote {
+ background: rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.1);
+ border-color: rgba(0, 122, 204, 0.5);
+.hc-black blockquote {
+ background: transparent;
+ border-color: #fff;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/media/tomorrow.css b/extensions/markdown/media/tomorrow.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f099dfa973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/markdown/media/tomorrow.css
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
+/* Tomorrow Comment */
+.hljs-quote {
+ color: #8e908c;
+/* Tomorrow Red */
+.hljs-deletion {
+ color: #c82829;
+/* Tomorrow Orange */
+.hljs-link {
+ color: #f5871f;
+/* Tomorrow Yellow */
+.hljs-attribute {
+ color: #eab700;
+/* Tomorrow Green */
+.hljs-addition {
+ color: #718c00;
+/* Tomorrow Blue */
+.hljs-section {
+ color: #4271ae;
+/* Tomorrow Purple */
+.hljs-selector-tag {
+ color: #8959a8;
+.hljs {
+ display: block;
+ overflow-x: auto;
+ color: #4d4d4c;
+ padding: 0.5em;
+.hljs-emphasis {
+ font-style: italic;
+.hljs-strong {
+ font-weight: bold;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/package.json b/extensions/markdown/package.json
index 246acdcc002..9c3d54b6a9b 100644
--- a/extensions/markdown/package.json
+++ b/extensions/markdown/package.json
@@ -1,12 +1,77 @@
- "name": "markdown",
- "version": "0.1.0",
- "publisher": "vscode",
- "engines": { "vscode": "*" },
- "contributes": {
- "snippets": [{
+ "name": "vscode-markdown",
+ "displayName": "VS Code Markdown",
+ "description": "Markdown for VS Code",
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "publisher": "Microsoft",
+ "engines": {
+ "vscode": "^1.0.0"
+ },
+ "main": "./out/extension",
+ "categories": [
+ "Languages"
+ ],
+ "activationEvents": [
+ "onCommand:extension.previewMarkdown",
+ "onCommand:extension.previewMarkdownSide"
+ ],
+ "contributes": {
+ "languages": [
+ {
+ "id": "markdown",
+ "aliases": [
+ "Markdown",
+ "markdown"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".md",
+ ".mdown",
+ ".markdown",
+ ".markdn"
+ ],
+ "configuration": "./markdown.configuration.json"
+ }
+ ],
+ "grammars": [
+ {
+ "language": "markdown",
+ "scopeName": "text.html.markdown",
+ "path": "./syntaxes/markdown.tmLanguage"
+ }
+ ],
+ "commands": [
+ {
+ "command": "extension.previewMarkdown",
+ "title": "%markdown.previewMarkdown.title%"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "extension.previewMarkdownSide",
+ "title": "%markdown.previewMarkdownSide.title%"
+ }
+ ],
+ "keybindings": [
+ {
+ "command": "extension.previewMarkdown",
+ "key": "shift+ctrl+v",
+ "mac": "shift+cmd+v"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "extension.previewMarkdownSide",
+ "key": "ctrl+k v",
+ "mac": "cmd+k v"
+ }
+ ],
+ "snippets": [{
"language": "markdown",
"path": "./snippets/markdown.json"
- }
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "vscode:prepublish": "node ../../node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js --gulpfile ../../build/gulpfile.extensions.js compile-extension:markdown ./tsconfig.json"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "highlight.js": "^9.3.0",
+ "markdown-it": "^6.0.1",
+ "markdown-it-named-headers": "0.0.4"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/package.nls.json b/extensions/markdown/package.nls.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecfbb9272a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/markdown/package.nls.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "markdown.previewMarkdown.title" : "Markdown: Toggle Preview",
+ "markdown.previewMarkdownSide.title" : "Markdown: Open Preview to the Side"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/src/extension.ts b/extensions/markdown/src/extension.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd0281510ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/markdown/src/extension.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ 'use strict';
+import * as vscode from 'vscode';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import { ExtensionContext, TextDocumentContentProvider, EventEmitter, Event, Uri, TextDocument, ViewColumn } from "vscode";
+const hljs = require('highlight.js');
+const mdnh = require('markdown-it-named-headers');
+const md = require('markdown-it')({
+ html: true,
+ highlight: function (str, lang) {
+ if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
+ try {
+ return `
${hljs.highlight(lang, str, true).value}
+ } catch (error) { }
+ }
+ return `${md.utils.escapeHtml(str)}
+ }
+}).use(mdnh, {});
+export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
+ let provider = new MDDocumentContentProvider(context);
+ let registration = vscode.workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('markdown', provider);
+ let d1 = vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.previewMarkdown', () => openPreview());
+ let d2 = vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.previewMarkdownSide', () => openPreview(true));
+ context.subscriptions.push(d1, d2, registration);
+ vscode.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument((e: TextDocument) => {
+ if (isMarkdownFile(e.fileName)) {
+ let markdownPreviewUri = Uri.parse(`markdown://${e.uri.path}`);
+ provider.update(markdownPreviewUri);
+ }
+ });
+ vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
+ vscode.workspace.textDocuments.forEach((document) => {
+ if ('markdown' === document.uri.scheme) {
+ provider.update(document.uri);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function endsWith(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean {
+ let diff = haystack.length - needle.length;
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ return haystack.lastIndexOf(needle) === diff;
+ } else if (diff === 0) {
+ return haystack === needle;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function isMarkdownFile(fileName: string) {
+ return fileName && (endsWith(fileName,'.md')
+ || endsWith(fileName, '.mdown')
+ || endsWith(fileName, '.markdown')
+ || endsWith(fileName, '.markdn'));
+function openPreview(sideBySide?: boolean): void {
+ const activeEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
+ if (!activeEditor) {
+ vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.navigateBack');
+ return;
+ }
+ let markdownPreviewUri = Uri.parse(`markdown://${activeEditor.document.uri.path}`);
+ vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.previewHtml', markdownPreviewUri, getViewColumn(sideBySide));
+function getViewColumn(sideBySide): ViewColumn {
+ const active = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
+ if (!active) {
+ return ViewColumn.One;
+ }
+ if (!sideBySide) {
+ return active.viewColumn;
+ }
+ switch (active.viewColumn) {
+ case ViewColumn.One:
+ return ViewColumn.Two;
+ case ViewColumn.Two:
+ return ViewColumn.Three;
+ }
+ return active.viewColumn;
+class MDDocumentContentProvider implements TextDocumentContentProvider {
+ private context;
+ private _onDidChange = new EventEmitter();
+ constructor(context: ExtensionContext) {
+ this.context = context;
+ }
+ private getMediaPath(mediaFile) {
+ return this.context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('media', mediaFile));
+ }
+ private fixHref(resource: Uri, href: string) {
+ if (href) {
+ // Return early if href is already a URL
+ if (Uri.parse(href).scheme) {
+ return href;
+ }
+ // Otherwise convert to a file URI by joining the href with the resource location
+ return Uri.file(path.join(path.dirname(resource.fsPath), href)).toString();
+ }
+ return href;
+ }
+ private computeCustomStyleSheetIncludes(uri) : string[] {
+ const styles = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown')['styles'];
+ if (styles && Array.isArray(styles)) {
+ return styles.map((style) => {
+ return ``;
+ });
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+ public provideTextDocumentContent(uri: Uri): Thenable {
+ return new Promise((approve, reject) => {
+ fs.readFile(uri.fsPath, (error, buffer) => {
+ if (error) {
+ return reject(error);
+ }
+ const head = [].concat(
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ``,
+ ``,
+ this.computeCustomStyleSheetIncludes(uri),
+ '',
+ ''
+ ).join('\n');
+ const body = md.render(buffer.toString());
+ const tail = [
+ '',
+ ''
+ ].join('\n');
+ approve(head + body + tail);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ get onDidChange(): Event {
+ return this._onDidChange.event;
+ }
+ public update(uri: Uri) {
+ this._onDidChange.fire(uri);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/src/typings/ref.d.ts b/extensions/markdown/src/typings/ref.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d55d0431fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/markdown/src/typings/ref.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/extensions/markdown/syntaxes/markdown.tmLanguage b/extensions/markdown/syntaxes/markdown.tmLanguage
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..62833d73399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/markdown/syntaxes/markdown.tmLanguage
@@ -0,0 +1,1826 @@
+ fileTypes
+ md
+ mdown
+ markdown
+ markdn
+ keyEquivalent
+ ^~M
+ name
+ Markdown
+ patterns
+ include
+ #block
+ repository
+ block
+ patterns
+ include
+ #separator
+ include
+ #heading
+ include
+ #blockquote
+ include
+ #lists
+ include
+ #raw_block
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_css
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_basic
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_ini
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_java
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_lua
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_makefile
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_perl
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_r
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_ruby
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_sql
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_vs_net
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_xml
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_xsl
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_yaml
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_dosbatch
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_clojure
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_coffee
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_c
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_diff
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_dockerfile
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_git_commit
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_git_rebase
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_groovy
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_jade
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_js
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_js_regexp
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_json
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_less
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_objc
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_perl6
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_powershell
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_python
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_regexp_python
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_shell
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_ts
+ include
+ #fenced_code_block_tsx
+ include
+ #link-def
+ include
+ #html
+ include
+ #paragraph
+ repository
+ blockquote
+ begin
+ (^|\G)(>) ?
+ captures
+ 2
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.quote.markdown
+ name
+ markup.quote.markdown
+ patterns
+ include
+ #block
+ while
+ (^|\G)(>) ?
+ heading
+ begin
+ (?:^|\G)(#{1,6})\s*(?=[\S[^#]])
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.heading.markdown
+ contentName
+ entity.name.section.markdown
+ end
+ \s*(#{1,6})?$\n?
+ name
+ markup.heading.${1/(#)(#)?(#)?(#)?(#)?(#)?/${6:?6:${5:?5:${4:?4:${3:?3:${2:?2:1}}}}}/}.markdown
+ patterns
+ include
+ #inline
+ heading-setext
+ patterns
+ match
+ ^(={3,})(?=[ \t]*$\n?)
+ name
+ markup.heading.setext.1.markdown
+ match
+ ^(-{3,})(?=[ \t]*$\n?)
+ name
+ markup.heading.setext.2.markdown
+ html
+ patterns
+ begin
+ (?i)(^|\G)(?=<(p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|ins|del).*</\2\s*>\s*$)
+ end
+ $
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.html.basic
+ begin
+ (?i)(^|\G)(?=<(p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|ins|del))
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.html.basic
+ while
+ \G(?!</\2\s*>)
+ link-def
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.markdown
+ 10
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 11
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.title.markdown
+ 12
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 13
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ constant.other.reference.link.markdown
+ 3
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.markdown
+ 4
+ name
+ punctuation.separator.key-value.markdown
+ 5
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ 6
+ name
+ markup.underline.link.markdown
+ 7
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ 8
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.title.markdown
+ 9
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ match
+ ^(?x:
+ \s* # Leading whitespace
+ (\[)(.+?)(\])(:) # Reference name
+ [ \t]* # Optional whitespace
+ (<?)(\S+?)(>?) # The url
+ [ \t]* # Optional whitespace
+ (?:
+ ((\().+?(\))) # Match title in quotes…
+ | ((").+?(")) # or in parens.
+ )? # Title is optional
+ \s* # Optional whitespace
+ $
+ )
+ name
+ meta.link.reference.def.markdown
+ list_paragraph
+ begin
+ (^|\G)(?=\S)(?![*+-]\s|[0-9]+\.\s)
+ name
+ meta.paragraph.markdown
+ patterns
+ include
+ #inline
+ include
+ text.html.basic
+ include
+ #heading-setext
+ while
+ (^|\G)(?!\s*$|#|[ ]{0,3}([-*_][ ]{2,}){3,}[ \t]*$\n?|>|[ ]{0,3}[*+-]|[ ]{0,3}[0-9]+\.)
+ lists
+ patterns
+ begin
+ (^|\G)([ ]{0,3})([*+-])([ ]{1,3}|\t)
+ beginCaptures
+ 3
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.list.markdown
+ comment
+ Currently does not support un-indented second lines.
+ name
+ markup.list.unnumbered.markdown
+ patterns
+ include
+ #list_paragraph
+ include
+ #block
+ while
+ \G([ ]{4}|\t|$)
+ begin
+ (^|\G)([ ]{0,3})([0-9]+\.)([ ]{1,3}|\t)
+ beginCaptures
+ 3
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.list.markdown
+ name
+ markup.list.numbered.markdown
+ patterns
+ include
+ #list_paragraph
+ include
+ #block
+ while
+ \G([ ]{4}|\t|$)
+ paragraph
+ begin
+ (^|\G)(?=\S)
+ name
+ meta.paragraph.markdown
+ patterns
+ include
+ #inline
+ include
+ text.html.basic
+ include
+ #heading-setext
+ while
+ (^|\G)(?!\s*$|#|[ ]{0,3}([-*_][ ]{2,}){3,}[ \t]*$\n?|\s*\[.+?\]:|>)
+ raw_block
+ begin
+ (^|\G)([ ]{4}|\t)
+ name
+ markup.raw.block.markdown
+ while
+ (^|\G)([ ]{4}|\t)
+ fenced_code_block_css
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(css|css.erb)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.css
+ fenced_code_block_basic
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(html|htm|shtml|xhtml|inc|tmpl|tpl)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.html.basic
+ fenced_code_block_ini
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(ini|conf)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.ini
+ fenced_code_block_java
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(java|bsh)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.java
+ fenced_code_block_lua
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(lua)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.lua
+ fenced_code_block_makefile
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(Makefile|makefile|GNUmakefile|OCamlMakefile)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.makefile
+ fenced_code_block_perl
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(perl|pl|pm|pod|t|PL|psgi|vcl)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.perl
+ fenced_code_block_r
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(R|r|s|S|Rprofile)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.r
+ fenced_code_block_ruby
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(ruby|rb|rbx|rjs|Rakefile|rake|cgi|fcgi|gemspec|irbrc|Capfile|ru|prawn|Cheffile|Gemfile|Guardfile|Hobofile|Vagrantfile|Appraisals|Rantfile|Berksfile|Berksfile.lock|Thorfile|Puppetfile)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.ruby
+ fenced_code_block_sql
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(sql|ddl|dml)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.sql
+ fenced_code_block_vs_net
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(vb)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.asp.vb.net
+ fenced_code_block_xml
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(xml|xsd|tld|jsp|pt|cpt|dtml|rss|opml)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
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+ patterns
+ include
+ text.xml
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+ begin
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+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.xml.xsl
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+ begin
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+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.yaml
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+ begin
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+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.dosbatch
+ fenced_code_block_clojure
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(clj|cljs|clojure)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.clojure
+ fenced_code_block_coffee
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(coffee|Cakefile|coffee.erb)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.coffee
+ fenced_code_block_c
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(c|h)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.c
+ fenced_code_block_diff
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(patch|diff|rej)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.diff
+ fenced_code_block_dockerfile
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(dockerfile|Dockerfile)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.dockerfile
+ fenced_code_block_git_commit
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(COMMIT_EDITMSG|MERGE_MSG)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.git-commit
+ fenced_code_block_git_rebase
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(git-rebase-todo)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.git-rebase
+ fenced_code_block_groovy
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(groovy|gvy)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.groovy
+ fenced_code_block_jade
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(jade)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.jade
+ fenced_code_block_js
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(js|jsx|javascript)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.js
+ fenced_code_block_js_regexp
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(regexp)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.js.regexp
+ fenced_code_block_json
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(json|sublime-settings|sublime-menu|sublime-keymap|sublime-mousemap|sublime-theme|sublime-build|sublime-project|sublime-completions)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
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+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.json
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+ begin
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+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
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+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.css.less
+ fenced_code_block_objc
+ begin
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+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
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+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.objc
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+ begin
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+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.perl.6
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+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
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+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.powershell
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+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(python|py|py3|rpy|pyw|cpy|SConstruct|Sconstruct|sconstruct|SConscript|gyp|gypi)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.python
+ fenced_code_block_regexp_python
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(re)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.regexp.python
+ fenced_code_block_shell
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(shell|sh|bash|zsh|bashrc|bash_profile|bash_login|profile|bash_logout|.textmate_init)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
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+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.shell
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+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(typescript|ts)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.ts
+ fenced_code_block_tsx
+ begin
+ (^|\G)\s*([`~]{3,})\s*(tsx)\s*$
+ name
+ markup.fenced_code.block.markdown
+ end
+ (^|\G)(\2)\n
+ patterns
+ include
+ source.tsx
+ separator
+ match
+ (^|\G)[ ]{0,3}([-*_])([ ]{0,2}\2){2,}[ \t]*$\n?
+ name
+ meta.separator.markdown
+ inline
+ patterns
+ include
+ #ampersand
+ include
+ #bracket
+ include
+ #bold
+ include
+ #italic
+ include
+ #raw
+ include
+ #escape
+ include
+ #image-inline
+ include
+ #image-ref
+ include
+ #link-email
+ include
+ #link-inet
+ include
+ #link-inline
+ include
+ #link-ref
+ include
+ #link-ref-literal
+ repository
+ ampersand
+ comment
+ Markdown will convert this for us. We match it so that the
+ HTML grammar will not mark it up as invalid.
+ match
+ &(?!([a-zA-Z0-9]+|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+);)
+ name
+ meta.other.valid-ampersand.markdown
+ bold
+ begin
+ (?x)
+ (\*\*|__)(?=\S) # Open
+ (?=
+ (
+ <[^>]*+> # HTML tags
+ | (?<raw>`+)([^`]|(?!(?<!`)\k<raw>(?!`))`)*+\k<raw>
+ # Raw
+ | \\[\\`*_{}\[\]()#.!+\->]?+ # Escapes
+ | \[
+ (
+ (?<square> # Named group
+ [^\[\]\\] # Match most chars
+ | \\. # Escaped chars
+ | \[ \g<square>*+ \] # Nested brackets
+ )*+
+ \]
+ (
+ ( # Reference Link
+ [ ]? # Optional space
+ \[[^\]]*+\] # Ref name
+ )
+ | ( # Inline Link
+ \( # Opening paren
+ [ \t]*+ # Optional whtiespace
+ <?(.*?)>? # URL
+ [ \t]*+ # Optional whtiespace
+ ( # Optional Title
+ (?<title>['"])
+ (.*?)
+ \k<title>
+ )?
+ \)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ | (?!(?<=\S)\1). # Everything besides
+ # style closer
+ )++
+ (?<=\S)\1 # Close
+ )
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.bold.markdown
+ end
+ (?<=\S)(\1)
+ name
+ markup.bold.markdown
+ patterns
+ applyEndPatternLast
+ 1
+ begin
+ (?=<[^>]*?>)
+ end
+ (?<=>)
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.html.basic
+ include
+ #escape
+ include
+ #ampersand
+ include
+ #bracket
+ include
+ #raw
+ include
+ #italic
+ include
+ #image-inline
+ include
+ #link-inline
+ include
+ #link-inet
+ include
+ #link-email
+ include
+ #image-ref
+ include
+ #link-ref-literal
+ include
+ #link-ref
+ bracket
+ comment
+ Markdown will convert this for us. We match it so that the
+ HTML grammar will not mark it up as invalid.
+ match
+ <(?![a-z/?\$!])
+ name
+ meta.other.valid-bracket.markdown
+ escape
+ match
+ \\[-`*_#+.!(){}\[\]\\>]
+ name
+ constant.character.escape.markdown
+ image-inline
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 10
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.title.markdown
+ 11
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.markdown
+ 12
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.markdown
+ 13
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.title.markdown
+ 14
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.markdown
+ 15
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.markdown
+ 16
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.markdown
+ 4
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 5
+ name
+ invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown
+ 6
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown
+ 7
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ 8
+ name
+ markup.underline.link.image.markdown
+ 9
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ match
+ (?x:
+ \! # Images start with !
+ (\[)((?<square>[^\[\]\\]|\\.|\[\g<square>*+\])*+)(\])
+ # Match the link text.
+ ([ ])? # Space not allowed
+ (\() # Opening paren for url
+ (<?)(\S+?)(>?) # The url
+ [ \t]* # Optional whitespace
+ (?:
+ ((\().+?(\))) # Match title in parens…
+ | ((").+?(")) # or in quotes.
+ )? # Title is optional
+ \s* # Optional whitespace
+ (\))
+ )
+ name
+ meta.image.inline.markdown
+ image-ref
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.markdown
+ 4
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 5
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.markdown
+ 6
+ name
+ constant.other.reference.link.markdown
+ 7
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.markdown
+ match
+ \!(\[)((?<square>[^\[\]\\]|\\.|\[\g<square>*+\])*+)(\])[ ]?(\[)(.*?)(\])
+ name
+ meta.image.reference.markdown
+ italic
+ begin
+ (?x)
+ (\*|_)(?=\S) # Open
+ (?=
+ (
+ <[^>]*+> # HTML tags
+ | (?<raw>`+)([^`]|(?!(?<!`)\k<raw>(?!`))`)*+\k<raw>
+ # Raw
+ | \\[\\`*_{}\[\]()#.!+\->]?+ # Escapes
+ | \[
+ (
+ (?<square> # Named group
+ [^\[\]\\] # Match most chars
+ | \\. # Escaped chars
+ | \[ \g<square>*+ \] # Nested brackets
+ )*+
+ \]
+ (
+ ( # Reference Link
+ [ ]? # Optional space
+ \[[^\]]*+\] # Ref name
+ )
+ | ( # Inline Link
+ \( # Opening paren
+ [ \t]*+ # Optional whtiespace
+ <?(.*?)>? # URL
+ [ \t]*+ # Optional whtiespace
+ ( # Optional Title
+ (?<title>['"])
+ (.*?)
+ \k<title>
+ )?
+ \)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ | \1\1 # Must be bold closer
+ | (?!(?<=\S)\1). # Everything besides
+ # style closer
+ )++
+ (?<=\S)\1 # Close
+ )
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.italic.markdown
+ end
+ (?<=\S)(\1)((?!\1)|(?=\1\1))
+ name
+ markup.italic.markdown
+ patterns
+ applyEndPatternLast
+ 1
+ begin
+ (?=<[^>]*?>)
+ end
+ (?<=>)
+ patterns
+ include
+ text.html.basic
+ include
+ #escape
+ include
+ #ampersand
+ include
+ #bracket
+ include
+ #raw
+ include
+ #bold
+ include
+ #image-inline
+ include
+ #link-inline
+ include
+ #link-inet
+ include
+ #link-email
+ include
+ #image-ref
+ include
+ #link-ref-literal
+ include
+ #link-ref
+ link-email
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ markup.underline.link.markdown
+ 4
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ match
+ (<)((?:mailto:)?[-.\w]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)(>)
+ name
+ meta.link.email.lt-gt.markdown
+ link-inet
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ markup.underline.link.markdown
+ 3
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ match
+ (<)((?:https?|ftp)://.*?)(>)
+ name
+ meta.link.inet.markdown
+ link-inline
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 10
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.title.markdown
+ 11
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 12
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 13
+ name
+ string.other.link.description.title.markdown
+ 14
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 15
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 16
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ string.other.link.title.markdown
+ 4
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 5
+ name
+ invalid.illegal.whitespace.markdown
+ 6
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown
+ 7
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ 8
+ name
+ markup.underline.link.markdown
+ 9
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.link.markdown
+ match
+ (?x:
+ (\[)((?<square>[^\[\]\\]|\\.|\[\g<square>*+\])*+)(\])
+ # Match the link text.
+ ([ ])? # Space not allowed
+ (\() # Opening paren for url
+ (<?)(.*?)(>?) # The url
+ [ \t]* # Optional whitespace
+ (?:
+ ((\().+?(\))) # Match title in parens…
+ | ((").+?(")) # or in quotes.
+ )? # Title is optional
+ \s* # Optional whitespace
+ (\))
+ )
+ name
+ meta.link.inline.markdown
+ link-ref
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ string.other.link.title.markdown
+ 4
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 5
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown
+ 6
+ name
+ constant.other.reference.link.markdown
+ 7
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown
+ match
+ (\[)((?<square>[^\[\]\\]|\\.|\[\g<square>*+\])*+)(\])[ ]?(\[)([^\]]*+)(\])
+ name
+ meta.link.reference.markdown
+ link-ref-literal
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
+ 2
+ name
+ string.other.link.title.markdown
+ 4
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
+ 5
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown
+ 6
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown
+ match
+ (\[)((?<square>[^\[\]\\]|\\.|\[\g<square>*+\])*+)(\])[ ]?(\[)(\])
+ name
+ meta.link.reference.literal.markdown
+ raw
+ captures
+ 1
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown
+ 3
+ name
+ punctuation.definition.raw.markdown
+ match
+ (`+)([^`]|(?!(?<!`)\1(?!`))`)*+(\1)
+ name
+ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+ scopeName
+ text.html.markdown
+ uuid
+ 0A1D9874-B448-11D9-BD50-000D93B6E43C
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e5187e71148
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\ No newline at end of file