"use strict"; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createStatsStream = createStatsStream; const es = require("event-stream"); const fancyLog = require("fancy-log"); const ansiColors = require("ansi-colors"); class Entry { name; totalCount; totalSize; constructor(name, totalCount, totalSize) { this.name = name; this.totalCount = totalCount; this.totalSize = totalSize; } toString(pretty) { if (!pretty) { if (this.totalCount === 1) { return `${this.name}: ${this.totalSize} bytes`; } else { return `${this.name}: ${this.totalCount} files with ${this.totalSize} bytes`; } } else { if (this.totalCount === 1) { return `Stats for '${ansiColors.grey(this.name)}': ${Math.round(this.totalSize / 1204)}KB`; } else { const count = this.totalCount < 100 ? ansiColors.green(this.totalCount.toString()) : ansiColors.red(this.totalCount.toString()); return `Stats for '${ansiColors.grey(this.name)}': ${count} files, ${Math.round(this.totalSize / 1204)}KB`; } } } } const _entries = new Map(); function createStatsStream(group, log) { const entry = new Entry(group, 0, 0); _entries.set(entry.name, entry); return es.through(function (data) { const file = data; if (typeof file.path === 'string') { entry.totalCount += 1; if (Buffer.isBuffer(file.contents)) { entry.totalSize += file.contents.length; } else if (file.stat && typeof file.stat.size === 'number') { entry.totalSize += file.stat.size; } else { // funky file... } } this.emit('data', data); }, function () { if (log) { if (entry.totalCount === 1) { fancyLog(`Stats for '${ansiColors.grey(entry.name)}': ${Math.round(entry.totalSize / 1204)}KB`); } else { const count = entry.totalCount < 100 ? ansiColors.green(entry.totalCount.toString()) : ansiColors.red(entry.totalCount.toString()); fancyLog(`Stats for '${ansiColors.grey(entry.name)}': ${count} files, ${Math.round(entry.totalSize / 1204)}KB`); } } this.emit('end'); }); } //# sourceMappingURL=stats.js.map