/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //@ts-check const path = require('path'); const { defineConfig } = require('@vscode/test-cli'); /** * A list of extension folders who have opted into tests, or configuration objects. * Edit me to add more! * * @type {Array & { label: string })>} */ const extensions = [ { label: 'markdown-language-features', workspaceFolder: `extensions/markdown-language-features/test-workspace`, mocha: { timeout: 60_000 } }, { label: 'ipynb', workspaceFolder: '%TEMPDIR%/ipynb-%RANDOM%', mocha: { timeout: 60_000 } }, { label: 'notebook-renderers', workspaceFolder: '%TEMPDIR%/nbout-%RANDOM%', mocha: { timeout: 60_000 } }, ]; const defaultLaunchArgs = process.env.API_TESTS_EXTRA_ARGS?.split(' ') || [ '--disable-telemetry', '--skip-welcome', '--skip-release-notes', `--crash-reporter-directory=${__dirname}/.build/crashes`, `--logsPath=${__dirname}/.build/logs/integration-tests`, '--no-cached-data', '--disable-updates', '--use-inmemory-secretstorage', '--disable-extensions', '--disable-workspace-trust' ]; module.exports = defineConfig(extensions.map(extension => { /** @type {import('@vscode/test-cli').TestConfiguration} */ const config = typeof extension === 'object' ? { files: `extensions/${extension.label}/out/**/*.test.js`, ...extension } : { files: `extensions/${extension}/out/**/*.test.js`, label: extension }; config.mocha ??= {}; if (process.env.BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY) { let suite = ''; if (process.env.VSCODE_BROWSER) { suite = `${process.env.VSCODE_BROWSER} Browser Integration ${config.label} tests`; } else if (process.env.REMOTE_VSCODE) { suite = `Remote Integration ${config.label} tests`; } else { suite = `Integration ${config.label} tests`; } config.mocha.reporter = 'mocha-multi-reporters'; config.mocha.reporterOptions = { reporterEnabled: 'spec, mocha-junit-reporter', mochaJunitReporterReporterOptions: { testsuitesTitle: `${suite} ${process.platform}`, mochaFile: path.join(process.env.BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY, `test-results/${process.platform}-${process.arch}-${suite.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]/g, '-')}-results.xml`) } }; } if (!config.platform || config.platform === 'desktop') { config.launchArgs = defaultLaunchArgs; config.useInstallation = { fromPath: process.env.INTEGRATION_TEST_ELECTRON_PATH || `${__dirname}/scripts/code.${process.platform === 'win32' ? 'bat' : 'sh'}`, }; config.env = { ...config.env, VSCODE_SKIP_PRELAUNCH: '1', }; } else { // web configs not supported, yet } return config; }));