#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then realpath() { [[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}"; } ROOT=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")") else ROOT=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(readlink -f $0)")") # If the script is running in Docker using the WSL2 engine, powershell.exe won't exist if grep -qi Microsoft /proc/version && type powershell.exe > /dev/null 2>&1; then IN_WSL=true fi fi function code() { cd "$ROOT" if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then NAME=`node -p "require('./product.json').nameLong"` CODE="./.build/electron/$NAME.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron" else NAME=`node -p "require('./product.json').applicationName"` CODE=".build/electron/$NAME" fi # Node modules test -d node_modules || yarn # Get electron yarn electron # Manage built-in extensions if [[ "$1" == "--builtin" ]]; then exec "$CODE" build/builtin return fi # Sync built-in extensions node build/lib/builtInExtensions.js # Build test -d out || yarn compile # Configuration export NODE_ENV=development export VSCODE_DEV=1 export VSCODE_CLI=1 export ELECTRON_ENABLE_STACK_DUMPING=1 export ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 export VSCODE_LOGS= # Launch Code exec "$CODE" . --no-sandbox "$@" } function code-wsl() { HOST_IP=$(powershell.exe –noprofile -Command "& {(Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object {\$_.InterfaceAlias -like '*WSL*' -and \$_.AddressFamily -eq 'IPv4'}).IPAddress | Write-Host -NoNewline}") export DISPLAY="$HOST_IP:0" # in a wsl shell ELECTRON="$ROOT/.build/electron/Code - OSS.exe" if [ -f "$ELECTRON" ]; then local CWD=$(pwd) cd $ROOT export WSLENV=ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE/w:$WSLENV local WSL_EXT_ID="ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl" local WSL_EXT_WLOC=$(ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1 "$ROOT/.build/electron/Code - OSS.exe" "out/cli.js" --locate-extension $WSL_EXT_ID) cd $CWD if [ -n "$WSL_EXT_WLOC" ]; then # replace \r\n with \n in WSL_EXT_WLOC local WSL_CODE=$(wslpath -u "${WSL_EXT_WLOC%%[[:cntrl:]]}")/scripts/wslCode-dev.sh $WSL_CODE "$ROOT" "$@" exit $? else echo "Remote WSL not installed, trying to run VSCode in WSL." fi fi } if ! [ -z ${IN_WSL+x} ]; then code-wsl "$@" fi code "$@"