/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //@ts-check // ***************************************************************** // * * // * AMD-TO-ESM MIGRATION SCRIPT * // * * // ***************************************************************** import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, unlinkSync } from 'node:fs'; import { join, extname, dirname, relative } from 'node:path'; import { preProcessFile } from 'typescript'; import { existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, statSync } from 'fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; // @ts-expect-error import watch from './build/lib/watch/index.js'; const enableWatching = !process.argv.includes('--disable-watch'); const enableInPlace = process.argv.includes('--enable-in-place'); const esmToAmd = process.argv.includes('--enable-esm-to-amd'); const amdToEsm = !esmToAmd; const srcFolder = fileURLToPath(new URL('src', import.meta.url)); const dstFolder = fileURLToPath(new URL(enableInPlace ? 'src' : 'src2', import.meta.url)); const binaryFileExtensions = new Set([ '.svg', '.ttf', '.png', '.sh', '.html', '.json', '.zsh', '.scpt', '.mp3', '.fish', '.ps1', '.psm1', '.md', '.txt', '.zip', '.pdf', '.qwoff', '.jxs', '.tst', '.wuff', '.less', '.utf16le', '.snap', '.actual', '.tsx', '.scm' ]); function migrate() { console.log(`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`); console.log(`STARTING ${amdToEsm ? 'AMD->ESM' : 'ESM->AMD'} MIGRATION of ${enableInPlace ? 'src in-place' : 'src to src2'}.`); // installing watcher quickly to avoid missing early events const watchSrc = enableWatching ? watch('src/**', { base: 'src', readDelay: 200 }) : undefined; /** @type {string[]} */ const files = []; readdir(srcFolder, files); for (const filePath of files) { const fileContents = readFileSync(filePath); migrateOne(filePath, fileContents); } if (amdToEsm) { writeFileSync(join(dstFolder, 'package.json'), `{"type": "module"}`); } else { unlinkSync(join(dstFolder, 'package.json')); } if (!enableInPlace) { writeFileSync(join(dstFolder, '.gitignore'), `*`); } console.log(`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`); console.log(`COMPLETED ${amdToEsm ? 'AMD->ESM' : 'ESM->AMD'} MIGRATION of ${enableInPlace ? 'src in-place' : 'src to src2'}. You can now launch yarn watch-amd or yarn watch-client-amd`); if (esmToAmd) { console.log(`Make sure to set the environment variable VSCODE_BUILD_AMD to a string of value 'true' if you want to build VS Code as AMD`); } if (watchSrc) { console.log(`WATCHING src for changes...`); watchSrc.on('data', (e) => { migrateOne(e.path, e.contents); console.log(`Handled change event for ${e.path}.`); }); } } /** * @param filePath * @param fileContents */ function migrateOne(filePath, fileContents) { const fileExtension = extname(filePath); if (fileExtension === '.ts') { migrateTS(filePath, fileContents.toString()); } else if (filePath.endsWith('tsconfig.base.json')) { const opts = JSON.parse(fileContents.toString()); if (amdToEsm) { opts.compilerOptions.module = 'es2022'; opts.compilerOptions.allowSyntheticDefaultImports = true; } else { opts.compilerOptions.module = 'amd'; delete opts.compilerOptions.allowSyntheticDefaultImports; } writeDestFile(filePath, JSON.stringify(opts, null, '\t')); } else if (fileExtension === '.js' || fileExtension === '.cjs' || fileExtension === '.mjs' || fileExtension === '.css' || binaryFileExtensions.has(fileExtension)) { writeDestFile(filePath, fileContents); } else { console.log(`ignoring ${filePath}`); } } /** * @param fileContents * @typedef {{pos:number;end:number;}} Import * @return */ function discoverImports(fileContents) { const info = preProcessFile(fileContents); const search = /export .* from ['"]([^'"]+)['"]/g; /** typedef {Import[]} */ let result = []; do { const m = search.exec(fileContents); if (!m) { break; } const end = m.index + m[0].length - 2; const pos = end - m[1].length; result.push({ pos, end }); } while (true); result = result.concat(info.importedFiles); result.sort((a, b) => { return a.pos - b.pos; }); for (let i = 1; i < result.length; i++) { const prev = result[i - 1]; const curr = result[i]; if (prev.pos === curr.pos) { result.splice(i, 1); i--; } } return result; } /** * @param filePath * @param fileContents */ function migrateTS(filePath, fileContents) { if (filePath.endsWith('.d.ts')) { return writeDestFile(filePath, fileContents); } const imports = discoverImports(fileContents); /** @type {Replacement[]} */ const replacements = []; for (let i = imports.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const pos = imports[i].pos + 1; const end = imports[i].end + 1; const importedFilename = fileContents.substring(pos, end); /** @type {string|undefined} */ let importedFilepath = undefined; if (amdToEsm) { if (/^vs\/css!/.test(importedFilename)) { importedFilepath = importedFilename.substr('vs/css!'.length) + '.css'; } else { importedFilepath = importedFilename; } } else { if (importedFilename.endsWith('.css')) { importedFilepath = `vs/css!${importedFilename.substr(0, importedFilename.length - 4)}`; } else if (importedFilename.endsWith('.js')) { importedFilepath = importedFilename.substr(0, importedFilename.length - 3); } } if (typeof importedFilepath !== 'string') { continue; } /** @type {boolean} */ let isRelativeImport; if (amdToEsm) { if (/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(importedFilepath)) { importedFilepath = join(dirname(filePath), importedFilepath); isRelativeImport = true; } else if (/^vs\//.test(importedFilepath)) { importedFilepath = join(srcFolder, importedFilepath); isRelativeImport = true; } else { importedFilepath = importedFilepath; isRelativeImport = false; } } else { importedFilepath = importedFilepath; isRelativeImport = false; } /** @type {string} */ let replacementImport; if (isRelativeImport) { replacementImport = generateRelativeImport(filePath, importedFilepath); } else { replacementImport = importedFilepath; } replacements.push({ pos, end, text: replacementImport }); } fileContents = applyReplacements(fileContents, replacements); writeDestFile(filePath, fileContents); } /** * @param filePath * @param importedFilepath */ function generateRelativeImport(filePath, importedFilepath) { /** @type {string} */ let relativePath; // See https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/16577#issuecomment-754941937 if (!importedFilepath.endsWith('.css') && !importedFilepath.endsWith('.cjs')) { importedFilepath = `${importedFilepath}.js`; } relativePath = relative(dirname(filePath), `${importedFilepath}`); relativePath = relativePath.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (!/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(relativePath)) { relativePath = './' + relativePath; } return relativePath; } /** @typedef {{pos:number;end:number;text:string;}} Replacement */ /** * @param str * @param replacements */ function applyReplacements(str, replacements) { replacements.sort((a, b) => { return a.pos - b.pos; }); /** @type {string[]} */ const result = []; let lastEnd = 0; for (const replacement of replacements) { const { pos, end, text } = replacement; result.push(str.substring(lastEnd, pos)); result.push(text); lastEnd = end; } result.push(str.substring(lastEnd, str.length)); return result.join(''); } /** * @param srcFilePath * @param fileContents */ function writeDestFile(srcFilePath, fileContents) { const destFilePath = srcFilePath.replace(srcFolder, dstFolder); ensureDir(dirname(destFilePath)); if (/(\.ts$)|(\.js$)|(\.html$)/.test(destFilePath)) { fileContents = toggleComments(fileContents); } /** @type {Buffer | undefined} */ let existingFileContents = undefined; try { existingFileContents = readFileSync(destFilePath); } catch (err) { } if (!buffersAreEqual(existingFileContents, fileContents)) { writeFileSync(destFilePath, fileContents); } /** * @param fileContents */ function toggleComments(fileContents) { const lines = String(fileContents).split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); let mode = 0; let didChange = false; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; if (mode === 0) { if (amdToEsm ? /\/\/ ESM-comment-begin/.test(line) : /\/\/ ESM-uncomment-begin/.test(line)) { mode = 1; continue; } if (amdToEsm ? /\/\/ ESM-uncomment-begin/.test(line) : /\/\/ ESM-comment-begin/.test(line)) { mode = 2; continue; } continue; } if (mode === 1) { if (amdToEsm ? /\/\/ ESM-comment-end/.test(line) : /\/\/ ESM-uncomment-end/.test(line)) { mode = 0; continue; } didChange = true; lines[i] = line.replace(/^\s*/, (match) => match + '// '); continue; } if (mode === 2) { if (amdToEsm ? /\/\/ ESM-uncomment-end/.test(line) : /\/\/ ESM-comment-end/.test(line)) { mode = 0; continue; } didChange = true; lines[i] = line.replace(/^(\s*)\/\/ ?/, function (_, indent) { return indent; }); } } if (didChange) { return lines.join('\n'); } return fileContents; } } /** * @param existingFileContents * @param fileContents */ function buffersAreEqual(existingFileContents, fileContents) { if (!existingFileContents) { return false; } if (typeof fileContents === 'string') { fileContents = Buffer.from(fileContents); } return existingFileContents.equals(fileContents); } const ensureDirCache = new Set(); function ensureDir(dirPath) { if (ensureDirCache.has(dirPath)) { return; } ensureDirCache.add(dirPath); ensureDir(dirname(dirPath)); if (!existsSync(dirPath)) { mkdirSync(dirPath); } } function readdir(dirPath, result) { const entries = readdirSync(dirPath); for (const entry of entries) { const entryPath = join(dirPath, entry); const stat = statSync(entryPath); if (stat.isDirectory()) { readdir(join(dirPath, entry), result); } else { result.push(entryPath); } } } migrate();