/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as es from 'event-stream'; import * as Vinyl from 'vinyl'; import * as vfs from 'vinyl-fs'; import * as merge from 'gulp-merge-json'; import * as gzip from 'gulp-gzip'; import { ClientAssertionCredential } from '@azure/identity'; import path = require('path'); import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; const azure = require('gulp-azure-storage'); const commit = process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION']; const credential = new ClientAssertionCredential(process.env['AZURE_TENANT_ID']!, process.env['AZURE_CLIENT_ID']!, () => Promise.resolve(process.env['AZURE_ID_TOKEN']!)); interface NlsMetadata { keys: { [module: string]: string }; messages: { [module: string]: string }; bundles: { [bundle: string]: string[] }; } function main(): Promise { return new Promise((c, e) => { const combinedMetadataJson = es.merge( // vscode: we are not using `out-build/nls.metadata.json` here because // it includes metadata for translators for `keys`. but for our purpose // we want only the `keys` and `messages` as `string`. es.merge( vfs.src('out-build/nls.keys.json', { base: 'out-build' }), vfs.src('out-build/nls.messages.json', { base: 'out-build' })) .pipe(merge({ fileName: 'vscode.json', jsonSpace: '', concatArrays: true, edit: (parsedJson, file) => { if (file.base === 'out-build') { if (file.basename === 'nls.keys.json') { return { keys: parsedJson }; } else { return { messages: parsedJson }; } } } })), // extensions vfs.src('.build/extensions/**/nls.metadata.json', { base: '.build/extensions' }), vfs.src('.build/extensions/**/nls.metadata.header.json', { base: '.build/extensions' }), vfs.src('.build/extensions/**/package.nls.json', { base: '.build/extensions' }) ).pipe(merge({ fileName: 'combined.nls.metadata.json', jsonSpace: '', concatArrays: true, edit: (parsedJson, file) => { if (file.basename === 'vscode.json') { return { vscode: parsedJson }; } // Handle extensions and follow the same structure as the Core nls file. switch (file.basename) { case 'package.nls.json': // put package.nls.json content in Core NlsMetadata format // language packs use the key "package" to specify that // translations are for the package.json file parsedJson = { messages: { package: Object.values(parsedJson) }, keys: { package: Object.keys(parsedJson) }, bundles: { main: ['package'] } }; break; case 'nls.metadata.header.json': parsedJson = { header: parsedJson }; break; case 'nls.metadata.json': { // put nls.metadata.json content in Core NlsMetadata format const modules = Object.keys(parsedJson); const json: NlsMetadata = { keys: {}, messages: {}, bundles: { main: [] } }; for (const module of modules) { json.messages[module] = parsedJson[module].messages; json.keys[module] = parsedJson[module].keys; json.bundles.main.push(module); } parsedJson = json; break; } } // Get extension id and use that as the key const folderPath = path.join(file.base, file.relative.split('/')[0]); const manifest = readFileSync(path.join(folderPath, 'package.json'), 'utf-8'); const manifestJson = JSON.parse(manifest); const key = manifestJson.publisher + '.' + manifestJson.name; return { [key]: parsedJson }; }, })); const nlsMessagesJs = vfs.src('out-build/nls.messages.js', { base: 'out-build' }); es.merge(combinedMetadataJson, nlsMessagesJs) .pipe(gzip({ append: false })) .pipe(vfs.dest('./nlsMetadata')) .pipe(es.through(function (data: Vinyl) { console.log(`Uploading ${data.path}`); // trigger artifact upload console.log(`##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=nlsmetadata;artifactname=${data.basename}]${data.path}`); this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(azure.upload({ account: process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, credential, container: 'nlsmetadata', prefix: commit + '/', contentSettings: { contentEncoding: 'gzip', cacheControl: 'max-age=31536000, public' } })) .on('end', () => c()) .on('error', (err: any) => e(err)); }); } main().catch(err => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); });