/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as eslint from 'eslint'; import { TSESTree } from '@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils'; /** * WORKAROUND for https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3823 */ export = new class implements eslint.Rule.RuleModule { create(context: eslint.Rule.RuleContext): eslint.Rule.RuleListener { function checkProperty(inNode: any) { const classDeclaration = context.getAncestors().find(node => node.type === 'ClassDeclaration'); const propertyDefinition = inNode; if (!classDeclaration || !classDeclaration.id?.name) { return; } if (!propertyDefinition.value) { return; } const classCtor = classDeclaration.body.body.find(node => node.type === 'MethodDefinition' && node.kind === 'constructor') if (!classCtor) { return; } const name = classDeclaration.id.name; const valueText = context.getSourceCode().getText(propertyDefinition.value) if (valueText.includes(name + '.')) { if (classCtor.value?.type === 'FunctionExpression' && !classCtor.value.params.find((param: any) => param.type === 'TSParameterProperty' && param.decorators?.length > 0)) { return } context.report({ loc: propertyDefinition.value.loc, message: `Static properties in decorated classes should not reference the class they are defined in. Use 'this' instead. This is a workaround for https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3823.` }); } } return { 'PropertyDefinition[static=true]': checkProperty, }; } };