
198 lines
9.4 KiB

"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.bundleTask = bundleTask;
exports.minifyTask = minifyTask;
const es = require("event-stream");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const filter = require("gulp-filter");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const pump = require("pump");
const VinylFile = require("vinyl");
const bundle = require("./bundle");
const postcss_1 = require("./postcss");
const esbuild = require("esbuild");
const sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
const fancyLog = require("fancy-log");
const ansiColors = require("ansi-colors");
const REPO_ROOT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../..');
' * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.',
' *--------------------------------------------------------*/'
function bundleESMTask(opts) {
const resourcesStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain the resources
const bundlesStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain the bundled files
const entryPoints = opts.entryPoints.map(entryPoint => {
if (typeof entryPoint === 'string') {
return { name: path.parse(entryPoint).name };
return entryPoint;
const allMentionedModules = new Set();
for (const entryPoint of entryPoints) {
entryPoint.include?.forEach(allMentionedModules.add, allMentionedModules);
entryPoint.exclude?.forEach(allMentionedModules.add, allMentionedModules);
const bundleAsync = async () => {
const files = [];
const tasks = [];
for (const entryPoint of entryPoints) {
fancyLog(`Bundled entry point: ${ansiColors.yellow(entryPoint.name)}...`);
// support for 'dest' via esbuild#in/out
const dest = entryPoint.dest?.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '') ?? entryPoint.name;
// banner contents
const banner = {
// TS Boilerplate
if (!opts.skipTSBoilerplateRemoval?.(entryPoint.name)) {
const tslibPath = path.join(require.resolve('tslib'), '../tslib.es6.js');
banner.js += await fs.promises.readFile(tslibPath, 'utf-8');
const contentsMapper = {
name: 'contents-mapper',
setup(build) {
build.onLoad({ filter: /\.js$/ }, async ({ path }) => {
const contents = await fs.promises.readFile(path, 'utf-8');
// TS Boilerplate
let newContents;
if (!opts.skipTSBoilerplateRemoval?.(entryPoint.name)) {
newContents = bundle.removeAllTSBoilerplate(contents);
else {
newContents = contents;
// File Content Mapper
const mapper = opts.fileContentMapper?.(path.replace(/\\/g, '/'));
if (mapper) {
newContents = await mapper(newContents);
return { contents: newContents };
const externalOverride = {
name: 'external-override',
setup(build) {
// We inline selected modules that are we depend on on startup without
// a conditional `await import(...)` by hooking into the resolution.
build.onResolve({ filter: /^minimist$/ }, () => {
return { path: path.join(REPO_ROOT_PATH, 'node_modules', 'minimist', 'index.js'), external: false };
const task = esbuild.build({
bundle: true,
external: entryPoint.exclude,
packages: 'external', // "external all the things", see https://esbuild.github.io/api/#packages
platform: 'neutral', // makes esm
format: 'esm',
sourcemap: 'external',
plugins: [contentsMapper, externalOverride],
target: ['es2022'],
loader: {
'.ttf': 'file',
'.svg': 'file',
'.png': 'file',
'.sh': 'file',
assetNames: 'media/[name]', // moves media assets into a sub-folder "media"
banner: entryPoint.name === 'vs/workbench/workbench.web.main' ? undefined : banner, // TODO@esm remove line when we stop supporting web-amd-esm-bridge
entryPoints: [
in: path.join(REPO_ROOT_PATH, opts.src, `${entryPoint.name}.js`),
out: dest,
outdir: path.join(REPO_ROOT_PATH, opts.src),
write: false, // enables res.outputFiles
metafile: true, // enables res.metafile
// minify: NOT enabled because we have a separate minify task that takes care of the TSLib banner as well
}).then(res => {
for (const file of res.outputFiles) {
let sourceMapFile = undefined;
if (file.path.endsWith('.js')) {
sourceMapFile = res.outputFiles.find(f => f.path === `${file.path}.map`);
const fileProps = {
contents: Buffer.from(file.contents),
sourceMap: sourceMapFile ? JSON.parse(sourceMapFile.text) : undefined, // support gulp-sourcemaps
path: file.path,
base: path.join(REPO_ROOT_PATH, opts.src)
files.push(new VinylFile(fileProps));
await Promise.all(tasks);
return { files };
bundleAsync().then((output) => {
// bundle output (JS, CSS, SVG...)
// forward all resources
gulp.src(opts.resources ?? [], { base: `${opts.src}`, allowEmpty: true }).pipe(resourcesStream);
const result = es.merge(bundlesStream, resourcesStream);
return result
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('./', {
sourceRoot: undefined,
addComment: true,
includeContent: true
function bundleTask(opts) {
return function () {
return bundleESMTask(opts.esm).pipe(gulp.dest(opts.out));
function minifyTask(src, sourceMapBaseUrl) {
const sourceMappingURL = sourceMapBaseUrl ? ((f) => `${sourceMapBaseUrl}/${f.relative}.map`) : undefined;
return cb => {
const cssnano = require('cssnano');
const svgmin = require('gulp-svgmin');
const jsFilter = filter('**/*.js', { restore: true });
const cssFilter = filter('**/*.css', { restore: true });
const svgFilter = filter('**/*.svg', { restore: true });
pump(gulp.src([src + '/**', '!' + src + '/**/*.map']), jsFilter, sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }), es.map((f, cb) => {
entryPoints: [f.path],
minify: true,
sourcemap: 'external',
outdir: '.',
packages: 'external', // "external all the things", see https://esbuild.github.io/api/#packages
platform: 'neutral', // makes esm
target: ['es2022'],
write: false
}).then(res => {
const jsFile = res.outputFiles.find(f => /\.js$/.test(f.path));
const sourceMapFile = res.outputFiles.find(f => /\.js\.map$/.test(f.path));
const contents = Buffer.from(jsFile.contents);
const unicodeMatch = contents.toString().match(/[^\x00-\xFF]+/g);
if (unicodeMatch) {
cb(new Error(`Found non-ascii character ${unicodeMatch[0]} in the minified output of ${f.path}. Non-ASCII characters in the output can cause performance problems when loading. Please review if you have introduced a regular expression that esbuild is not automatically converting and convert it to using unicode escape sequences.`));
else {
f.contents = contents;
f.sourceMap = JSON.parse(sourceMapFile.text);
cb(undefined, f);
}, cb);
}), jsFilter.restore, cssFilter, (0, postcss_1.gulpPostcss)([cssnano({ preset: 'default' })]), cssFilter.restore, svgFilter, svgmin(), svgFilter.restore, sourcemaps.write('./', {
sourceRoot: undefined,
includeContent: true,
addComment: true
}), gulp.dest(src + '-min'), (err) => cb(err));
//# sourceMappingURL=optimize.js.map