
203 lines
8.0 KiB

"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Temp = void 0;
exports.main = main;
const cp = require("child_process");
const fs = require("fs");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const path = require("path");
const os = require("os");
class Temp {
_files = [];
tmpNameSync() {
const file = path.join(os.tmpdir(), crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex'));
return file;
dispose() {
for (const file of this._files) {
try {
catch (err) {
// noop
exports.Temp = Temp;
function getParams(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'sign-windows':
return [
keyCode: 'CP-230012',
operationSetCode: 'SigntoolSign',
parameters: [
{ parameterName: 'OpusName', parameterValue: 'VS Code' },
{ parameterName: 'OpusInfo', parameterValue: 'https://code.visualstudio.com/' },
{ parameterName: 'Append', parameterValue: '/as' },
{ parameterName: 'FileDigest', parameterValue: '/fd "SHA256"' },
{ parameterName: 'PageHash', parameterValue: '/NPH' },
{ parameterName: 'TimeStamp', parameterValue: '/tr "http://rfc3161.gtm.corp.microsoft.com/TSS/HttpTspServer" /td sha256' }
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
keyCode: 'CP-230012',
operationSetCode: 'SigntoolVerify',
parameters: [
{ parameterName: 'VerifyAll', parameterValue: '/all' }
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
case 'sign-windows-appx':
return [
keyCode: 'CP-229979',
operationSetCode: 'SigntoolSign',
parameters: [
{ parameterName: 'OpusName', parameterValue: 'VS Code' },
{ parameterName: 'OpusInfo', parameterValue: 'https://code.visualstudio.com/' },
{ parameterName: 'FileDigest', parameterValue: '/fd "SHA256"' },
{ parameterName: 'PageHash', parameterValue: '/NPH' },
{ parameterName: 'TimeStamp', parameterValue: '/tr "http://rfc3161.gtm.corp.microsoft.com/TSS/HttpTspServer" /td sha256' }
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
keyCode: 'CP-229979',
operationSetCode: 'SigntoolVerify',
parameters: [],
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
case 'sign-pgp':
return [{
keyCode: 'CP-450779-Pgp',
operationSetCode: 'LinuxSign',
parameters: [],
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
case 'sign-darwin':
return [{
keyCode: 'CP-401337-Apple',
operationSetCode: 'MacAppDeveloperSign',
parameters: [{ parameterName: 'Hardening', parameterValue: '--options=runtime' }],
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
case 'notarize-darwin':
return [{
keyCode: 'CP-401337-Apple',
operationSetCode: 'MacAppNotarize',
parameters: [],
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
case 'nuget':
return [{
keyCode: 'CP-401405',
operationSetCode: 'NuGetSign',
parameters: [],
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
}, {
keyCode: 'CP-401405',
operationSetCode: 'NuGetVerify',
parameters: [],
toolName: 'sign',
toolVersion: '1.0'
throw new Error(`Sign type ${type} not found`);
function main([esrpCliPath, type, folderPath, pattern]) {
const tmp = new Temp();
process.on('exit', () => tmp.dispose());
const key = crypto.randomBytes(32);
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv);
const encryptedToken = cipher.update(process.env['SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN'].trim(), 'utf8', 'hex') + cipher.final('hex');
const encryptionDetailsPath = tmp.tmpNameSync();
fs.writeFileSync(encryptionDetailsPath, JSON.stringify({ key: key.toString('hex'), iv: iv.toString('hex') }));
const encryptedTokenPath = tmp.tmpNameSync();
fs.writeFileSync(encryptedTokenPath, encryptedToken);
const patternPath = tmp.tmpNameSync();
fs.writeFileSync(patternPath, pattern);
const paramsPath = tmp.tmpNameSync();
fs.writeFileSync(paramsPath, JSON.stringify(getParams(type)));
const dotnetVersion = cp.execSync('dotnet --version', { encoding: 'utf8' }).trim();
const adoTaskVersion = path.basename(path.dirname(path.dirname(esrpCliPath)));
const federatedTokenData = {
jobId: process.env['SYSTEM_JOBID'],
planId: process.env['SYSTEM_PLANID'],
projectId: process.env['SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID'],
hub: process.env['SYSTEM_HOSTTYPE'],
uri: process.env['SYSTEM_COLLECTIONURI'],
managedIdentityId: process.env['VSCODE_ESRP_CLIENT_ID'],
managedIdentityTenantId: process.env['VSCODE_ESRP_TENANT_ID'],
serviceConnectionId: process.env['VSCODE_ESRP_SERVICE_CONNECTION_ID'],
tempDirectory: os.tmpdir(),
systemAccessToken: encryptedTokenPath,
encryptionKey: encryptionDetailsPath
const args = [
'-a', process.env['ESRP_CLIENT_ID'],
'-d', process.env['ESRP_TENANT_ID'],
'-k', JSON.stringify({ akv: 'vscode-esrp' }),
'-z', JSON.stringify({ akv: 'vscode-esrp', cert: 'esrp-sign' }),
'-f', folderPath,
'-p', patternPath,
'-u', 'false',
'-x', 'regularSigning',
'-b', 'input.json',
'-l', 'AzSecPack_PublisherPolicyProd.xml',
'-y', 'inlineSignParams',
'-j', paramsPath,
'-c', '9997',
'-t', '120',
'-g', '10',
'-v', 'Tls12',
'-s', 'https://api.esrp.microsoft.com/api/v1',
'-m', '0',
'-o', 'Microsoft',
'-i', 'https://www.microsoft.com',
'-n', '5',
'-r', 'true',
'-w', dotnetVersion,
'-skipAdoReportAttachment', 'false',
'-pendingAnalysisWaitTimeoutMinutes', '5',
'-adoTaskVersion', adoTaskVersion,
'-resourceUri', 'https://msazurecloud.onmicrosoft.com/api.esrp.microsoft.com',
'-esrpClientId', process.env['ESRP_CLIENT_ID'],
'-useMSIAuthentication', 'true',
'-federatedTokenData', JSON.stringify(federatedTokenData)
try {
cp.execFileSync('dotnet', args, { stdio: 'inherit' });
catch (err) {
console.error('ESRP failed');
if (require.main === module) {
//# sourceMappingURL=sign.js.map