
114 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import { spawnSync } from 'child_process';
import path = require('path');
import { generatePackageDeps as generatePackageDepsDebian } from './debian/calculate-deps';
import { generatePackageDeps as generatePackageDepsRpm } from './rpm/calculate-deps';
import { referenceGeneratedDepsByArch as debianGeneratedDeps } from './debian/dep-lists';
import { referenceGeneratedDepsByArch as rpmGeneratedDeps } from './rpm/dep-lists';
import { DebianArchString, isDebianArchString } from './debian/types';
import { isRpmArchString, RpmArchString } from './rpm/types';
// A flag that can easily be toggled.
// Make sure to compile the build directory after toggling the value.
// If false, we warn about new dependencies if they show up
// while running the prepare package tasks for a release.
// If true, we fail the build if there are new dependencies found during that task.
// The reference dependencies, which one has to update when the new dependencies
// are valid, are in dep-lists.ts
const FAIL_BUILD_FOR_NEW_DEPENDENCIES: boolean = true;
// Based on https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/refs/tags/98.0.4758.109:chrome/installer/linux/BUILD.gn;l=64-80
// and the Linux Archive build
// Shared library dependencies that we already bundle.
const bundledDeps = [
export function getDependencies(packageType: 'deb' | 'rpm', buildDir: string, applicationName: string, arch: string, sysroot?: string): string[] {
if (packageType === 'deb') {
if (!isDebianArchString(arch)) {
throw new Error('Invalid Debian arch string ' + arch);
if (!sysroot) {
throw new Error('Missing sysroot parameter');
if (packageType === 'rpm' && !isRpmArchString(arch)) {
throw new Error('Invalid RPM arch string ' + arch);
// Get the files for which we want to find dependencies.
const nativeModulesPath = path.join(buildDir, 'resources', 'app', 'node_modules.asar.unpacked');
const findResult = spawnSync('find', [nativeModulesPath, '-name', '*.node']);
if (findResult.status) {
console.error('Error finding files:');
return [];
const files = findResult.stdout.toString().trimEnd().split('\n');
const appPath = path.join(buildDir, applicationName);
// Add chrome sandbox and crashpad handler.
files.push(path.join(buildDir, 'chrome-sandbox'));
files.push(path.join(buildDir, 'chrome_crashpad_handler'));
// Generate the dependencies.
const dependencies = packageType === 'deb' ?
generatePackageDepsDebian(files, arch as DebianArchString, sysroot!) :
// Merge all the dependencies.
const mergedDependencies = mergePackageDeps(dependencies);
// Exclude bundled dependencies and sort
const sortedDependencies: string[] = Array.from(mergedDependencies).filter(dependency => {
return !bundledDeps.some(bundledDep => dependency.startsWith(bundledDep));
const referenceGeneratedDeps = packageType === 'deb' ?
debianGeneratedDeps[arch as DebianArchString] :
rpmGeneratedDeps[arch as RpmArchString];
if (JSON.stringify(sortedDependencies) !== JSON.stringify(referenceGeneratedDeps)) {
const failMessage = 'The dependencies list has changed.'
+ '\nOld:\n' + referenceGeneratedDeps.join('\n')
+ '\nNew:\n' + sortedDependencies.join('\n');
throw new Error(failMessage);
} else {
return sortedDependencies;
// Based on https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:chrome/installer/linux/rpm/merge_package_deps.py.
function mergePackageDeps(inputDeps: Set<string>[]): Set<string> {
const requires = new Set<string>();
for (const depSet of inputDeps) {
for (const dep of depSet) {
const trimmedDependency = dep.trim();
if (trimmedDependency.length && !trimmedDependency.startsWith('#')) {
return requires;