
236 lines
7.6 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
process.env.MOCHA_COLORS = '1'; // Force colors (note that this must come before any mocha imports)
import * as assert from 'assert';
import Mocha from 'mocha';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import glob from 'glob';
import minimatch from 'minimatch';
import minimist from 'minimist';
import * as module from 'module';
import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'url';
* @type {{ build: boolean; run: string; runGlob: string; coverage: boolean; help: boolean; coverageFormats: string | string[]; coveragePath: string; }}
const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ['build', 'coverage', 'help'],
string: ['run', 'coveragePath', 'coverageFormats'],
alias: {
h: 'help'
default: {
build: false,
coverage: false,
help: false
description: {
build: 'Run from out-build',
run: 'Run a single file',
coverage: 'Generate a coverage report',
coveragePath: 'Path to coverage report to generate',
coverageFormats: 'Coverage formats to generate',
help: 'Show help'
if (args.help) {
console.log(`Usage: node test/unit/node/index [options]
--build Run from out-build
--run <file> Run a single file
--coverage Generate a coverage report
--help Show help`);
const TEST_GLOB = '**/test/**/*.test.js';
const excludeGlobs = [
'**/vs/platform/environment/test/node/nativeModules.test.js', // native modules are compiled against Electron and this test would fail with node.js
'**/vs/base/parts/storage/test/node/storage.test.js', // same as above, due to direct dependency to sqlite native module
'**/vs/workbench/contrib/testing/test/**' // flaky (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/137853)
const REPO_ROOT = fileURLToPath(new URL('../../../', import.meta.url));
const out = args.build ? 'out-build' : 'out';
const src = path.join(REPO_ROOT, out);
const baseUrl = pathToFileURL(src);
const majorRequiredNodeVersion = `v${/^target="(.*)"$/m.exec(fs.readFileSync(path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'remote', '.npmrc'), 'utf8'))[1]}`.substring(0, 3);
const currentMajorNodeVersion = process.version.substring(0, 3);
if (majorRequiredNodeVersion !== currentMajorNodeVersion) {
console.error(`node.js unit tests require a major node.js version of ${majorRequiredNodeVersion} (your version is: ${currentMajorNodeVersion})`);
function main() {
// VSCODE_GLOBALS: package/product.json
const _require = module.createRequire(import.meta.url);
globalThis._VSCODE_PRODUCT_JSON = _require(`${REPO_ROOT}/product.json`);
globalThis._VSCODE_PACKAGE_JSON = _require(`${REPO_ROOT}/package.json`);
// VSCODE_GLOBALS: file root
globalThis._VSCODE_FILE_ROOT = baseUrl.href;
if (args.build) {
// when running from `out-build`, ensure to load the default
// messages file, because all `nls.localize` calls have their
// english values removed and replaced by an index.
globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_MESSAGES = _require(`${REPO_ROOT}/${out}/nls.messages.json`);
// Test file operations that are common across platforms. Used for test infra, namely snapshot tests
Object.assign(globalThis, {
// __analyzeSnapshotInTests: takeSnapshotAndCountClasses,
__readFileInTests: (/** @type {string} */ path) => fs.promises.readFile(path, 'utf-8'),
__writeFileInTests: (/** @type {string} */ path, /** @type {BufferEncoding} */ contents) => fs.promises.writeFile(path, contents),
__readDirInTests: (/** @type {string} */ path) => fs.promises.readdir(path),
__unlinkInTests: (/** @type {string} */ path) => fs.promises.unlink(path),
__mkdirPInTests: (/** @type {string} */ path) => fs.promises.mkdir(path, { recursive: true }),
process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) {
console.error(e.stack || e);
* @param modules
* @param onLoad
* @param onError
const loader = function (modules, onLoad, onError) {
const loads = modules.map(mod => import(`${baseUrl}/${mod}.js`).catch(err => {
console.error(`FAILED to load ${mod} as ${baseUrl}/${mod}.js`);
throw err;
Promise.all(loads).then(onLoad, onError);
let didErr = false;
const write = process.stderr.write;
process.stderr.write = function (...args) {
didErr = didErr || !!args[0];
return write.apply(process.stderr, args);
const runner = new Mocha({
ui: 'tdd'
* @param modules
async function loadModules(modules) {
for (const file of modules) {
runner.suite.emit(Mocha.Suite.constants.EVENT_FILE_PRE_REQUIRE, globalThis, file, runner);
const m = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => loader([file], resolve, reject));
runner.suite.emit(Mocha.Suite.constants.EVENT_FILE_REQUIRE, m, file, runner);
runner.suite.emit(Mocha.Suite.constants.EVENT_FILE_POST_REQUIRE, globalThis, file, runner);
/** @type { null|((callback:(err:any)=>void)=>void) } */
let loadFunc = null;
if (args.runGlob) {
loadFunc = (cb) => {
const doRun = /** @param tests */(tests) => {
const modulesToLoad = tests.map(test => {
if (path.isAbsolute(test)) {
test = path.relative(src, path.resolve(test));
return test.replace(/(\.js)|(\.d\.ts)|(\.js\.map)$/, '');
loadModules(modulesToLoad).then(() => cb(null), cb);
glob(args.runGlob, { cwd: src }, function (err, files) { doRun(files); });
} else if (args.run) {
const tests = (typeof args.run === 'string') ? [args.run] : args.run;
const modulesToLoad = tests.map(function (test) {
test = test.replace(/^src/, 'out');
test = test.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js');
return path.relative(src, path.resolve(test)).replace(/(\.js)|(\.js\.map)$/, '').replace(/\\/g, '/');
loadFunc = (cb) => {
loadModules(modulesToLoad).then(() => cb(null), cb);
} else {
loadFunc = (cb) => {
glob(TEST_GLOB, { cwd: src }, function (err, files) {
/** @type {string[]} */
const modules = [];
for (const file of files) {
if (!excludeGlobs.some(excludeGlob => minimatch(file, excludeGlob))) {
modules.push(file.replace(/\.js$/, ''));
loadModules(modules).then(() => cb(null), cb);
loadFunc(function (err) {
if (err) {
return process.exit(1);
process.stderr.write = write;
if (!args.run && !args.runGlob) {
// set up last test
Mocha.suite('Loader', function () {
test('should not explode while loading', function () {
assert.ok(!didErr, `should not explode while loading: ${didErr}`);
// report failing test for every unexpected error during any of the tests
const unexpectedErrors = [];
Mocha.suite('Errors', function () {
test('should not have unexpected errors in tests', function () {
if (unexpectedErrors.length) {
unexpectedErrors.forEach(function (stack) {
// replace the default unexpected error handler to be useful during tests
import(`${baseUrl}/vs/base/common/errors.js`).then(errors => {
errors.setUnexpectedErrorHandler(function (err) {
const stack = (err && err.stack) || (new Error().stack);
unexpectedErrors.push((err && err.message ? err.message : err) + '\n' + stack);
// fire up mocha
runner.run(failures => process.exit(failures ? 1 : 0));