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Inventory of performance marks
Johannes Rieken edited this page 2021-01-21 16:05:47 +01:00
We use perf.mark
) and performance.mark
(browser-native) to name certain moments in VS Code's startup timeline. The following is an inventory of these marks:
name | context | description |
code/timeOrigin |
electron-main, electron-renderer, browser-renderer, webworker, nodejs | Marks the origin, usually the same value as the native timeOrigin property. Is polyfilled in safari and not available in safari web workers |
code/didStartMain |
electron-main | Marks the start of the electron main process. |
code/mainAppReady |
electron-main | Marks the receiving of the appReady event from electron. |
code/willLoadMainBundle |
electron-main | Marks the point before loading the main bundle of the main process. |
code/didLoadMainBundle |
electron-main | Marks the point after loading the main bundle of the main process. |
code/willOpenNewWindow |
electron-main | Marks the point at which a new renderer/browser window is being created. This event occurs repeatedly. |
code/didStartRenderer |
browser-renderer, electron-renderer | Marks the start of the renderer. Should be set by embedders. |
code/willShowPartsSplash |
electron-renderer | Marks the point before the in-place-splash screen (rapid render) is being created |
code/didShowPartsSplash |
electron-renderer | Marks the point at which the in-place-splash screen (rapid render) is showing |
code/willLoadWorkbenchMain |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point before loading the main bundle of the renderer. |
code/didLoadWorkbenchMain |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point after loading the main bundle of the renderer. |
code/willWaitForShellEnv |
electron-renderer | Marks the start of resolving the shell environment (obsolete soon #108804) |
code/didWaitForShellEnv |
electron-renderer | Marks the end of resolving the shell environment (obsolete soon #108804) |
code/willInitWorkspaceService |
electron-renderer | Marks the start of resolving the workspace and associated configuration (blocking) |
code/didInitWorkspaceService |
electron-renderer | Marks the end of resolving the workspace and associated configuration (blocking) |
code/willInitWorkspaceStorage |
electron-renderer | Marks the start of resolving the UI state storage (blocking) |
code/didInitWorkspaceStorage |
electron-renderer | Marks the end of resolving the UI state storage (blocking) |
code/willStartWorkbench |
electron-renderer | Marks the beginning of creating and restoring the workbench and services |
code/LifecyclePhase/<phase> |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the workbench lifecycle phase, potential values for <phase> are starting, ready, restored, and eventually |
code/willRestoreEditors |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point before creating/restoring editors. |
code/willRestoreViewlet |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point before creating the viewlet. Note that this is just creation, not population. |
code/willRestorePanel |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point before creating the bottom panel. |
code/didRestoreViewlet |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point after creating the viewlet. |
code/didRestorePanel |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point after creating the bottom panel. |
code/didRestoreEditors |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point after creating/restoring editors. |
code/didStartWorkbench |
renderer | Marks the end of creating and restoring the workbench and services |
code/didRemovePartsSplash |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point at which the in-place-spash screen (rapid render) is removed |
code/willLoadExtensions |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point before starting extension hosts and discovering registered extensions |
code/willHandleExtensionPoints |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point before processing package.json-data from extensions |
code/didHandleExtensionPoints |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point after processing package.json-data from extensions |
code/didLoadExtensions |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer | Marks the point after starting extension hosts and discovering registered extensions |
code/registerFilesystem/<scheme> |
electron-renderer, browser-renderer, electron-main | Marks the point at which a file system has been registered. The last segment of the name is the scheme of the file system |
code/fork/start |
nodejs | Marks the point when JS execution begins on the extension host process |
code/fork/willLoadCode |
nodejs | Marks the point when AMD code loading begins on the extension host process |
code/extHost/willConnectToRenderer |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when the extension host code is loaded and executing |
code/extHost/didConnectToRenderer |
nodejs | Marks the point when a socket was established to the renderer process |
code/extHost/didWaitForInitData |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when the extension host init data was received |
code/extHost/didCreateServices |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when services are created |
code/extHost/willWaitForConfig |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when waiting begins for the configuration options to be sent by renderer |
code/extHost/didWaitForConfig |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when the configuration options were received from the renderer |
code/extHost/didInitAPI |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when require('vscode') is up and running |
code/extHost/didInitProxyResolver |
nodejs | Marks the point when proxy settings have been configured |
code/extHost/willResolveAuthority/<authorityPrefix> |
nodejs | Marks the point when a resolver will be invoked |
code/extHost/didResolveAuthorityOK/<authorityPrefix> |
nodejs | Marks the point when a resolver has resolved OK |
code/extHost/didResolveAuthorityError/<authorityPrefix> |
nodejs | Marks the point when a resolver has resolved with an error |
code/extHost/ready |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when the extension host process is ready to generally load extensions |
code/extHost/willFetchExtensionCode/<extId> |
webworker | Marks the point when the code for an extension will be fetched |
code/extHost/didFetchExtensionCode/<extId> |
webworker | Marks the point when the code for an extension has been fetched |
code/extHost/willLoadExtensionCode/<extId> |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when the code for an extension will be executed |
code/extHost/didLoadExtensionCode/<extId> |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when the code for an extension has been executed |
code/extHost/willActivateExtension/<extId> |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when activate() will be called for an extension |
code/extHost/didActivateExtension/<extId> |
nodejs, webworker | Marks the point when activate() has resolved for an extension |
code/server/start |
nodejs | Marks the start of the server process |
code/server/started |
nodejs | Marks the point when the server is listening for incoming connections at the configured port / domain socket |
code/server/codeLoaded |
nodejs | Marks the point when the server code is loaded |
code/server/ready |
nodejs | Marks the point when the server is fully initialized |
code/server/firstRequest |
nodejs | Marks the point when the server receives a first request |
code/server/firstWebSocket |
nodejs | Marks the point when the server receives a first WebSocket |
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